View Full Version : Head Hunter Canyon Report this past weekend and upcoming trips!

10-01-2013, 08:58 PM
Me and the crew made it out on the beast with captain Evan and captain Jason chief of coast guard in montauk. It was a honor and pleasure to fish with these two machines. We left Friday night at midnight in some heavy slop and made it to the tip for morning. Set the lines out and started making our way to the deep with only 5 squid boats and two big sportys in the canyon, love it when it's not a parking lot. Nothing doing for the first couple hours when finally two rods screamed turned out to be nice 60 pound plus wahoo George made quick work of his and spanky dropped his boat side. Lines back in and nothing doing at all for hours when we reach the deep we start to see some life and birds and the screen lights up with the mother load. Two rods scream me and berg jump on them and its game on berg quickly horses a nice albacore in and I'm still getting dumped we are all thinking big eye! Well after a nice long battle in crappy seas I finally break its will and we stick the fish and get it in the boat to our surprise a beautiful 120-140 yellowfin same size as the big eye I caught with Evan earlier this year just a better fight!! Lines back in ASAP next pass around the screen lights up four rods come tight we make quick work of the fish and four nice albacore go in the box. Next pass the screen lights up but the fish were much deeper and we couldn't raise them. Next pass screen blank and the show was over just like that. Trolled till sundown with a couple knock downs that didn't come tight.
We set up for the chunk in very crappy conditions but the boat didn't even feel it. First rod goes off hour into the night and a nice 60 pound yellow on the jig hits the deck. Fifteen minutes later chunk gets slammed and I come tight with a nice yellow that spits the hook at the boat, still pissed about that can't stand losing a tuna. That was the highlight of the night. Every hour we would have a quick runoff or catch a shark think we got 3. Put around 10-15 chicken Mahi in the box through the night and that was it. Porpoise would not leave us alone and wouldn't let the bait we were marking come up to the chunk line.
Lines back in for the sun coming up and we were truly the last of the mohegans out there as it was getting real nasty but captain gave it a great effort while he was getting tossed around up top. We only got a couple weak knock downs that might have been white marlin just couldn't see with the sun glare and didn't come tight. Made our way to the tip and called it mid day Sunday.
I can't thank both captains enough, just a high class operation, stand up fisherman with a GREAT attitude you add the sick boat and I truly think you have the best canyon charter boat in jersey and I have fished with a lot them including some of the "top 50" lol haha

In two canyon trips this year with Evan we caught over 35 tuna all over 40 pounds most 50-60,two big eyes, monster yellowfin, 500 plus blue marlin tons of Mahi including one that would be a tournament winning bull, tons of sharks, couple bluefin, and a wahoo for the icing on the cake. Thanks again capt. See you in November good luck with the giants over the next month.
Thanks Eyeball for writing a nice report for Capt. Evan and crew!!

Guys obviously the bite on yellowfin is getting better and better daily....so we have decided to run two more open boat Overnight Canyon trips.....they will be this Friday/Saturday and this Sunday/Monday and very much expect an even better showing of yellowfin with the new moon around the corner!

Captain Evan and his Head Hunter are out there again tonight Tuesday ...... report to follow by sun down tomorrow!!

Long range forecast are calling for great weather and calm seas....so jump aboard the Big Blue Beast.

Cost is $675/pp

Friday..........3 spots available

Sunday........4 spots available

If the bite continues to improve we will continue to run to the Canyon....keep a look out in the open boat forum and offshore forum for upcoming trips!!