View Full Version : Is Anyone Blackfishing?

10-01-2013, 01:40 PM
:D :D :cool: :cool: :mad: :( :rolleyes: :eek:

bunker dunker
10-01-2013, 01:43 PM
Fished A Ns Boat Out Of Point Sunday.took A Dozen Greenies With Me And Went Thru Them Pretty Quick.lots Of Toy Togs Around With A Few Keeper Size Mixed In.only Taking One For The Table

10-01-2013, 02:35 PM
usually ya can target em at the same spots ya porgy fish those 2 seem to go hand in hand together just bring some crabs as I do not think any boats are carrying em yet. BD you get any west philly snappers?

10-01-2013, 02:49 PM
I have 3 recent trips on NS charters One specifically targeting Tog, two we had crabs and made some drops. Caught keepers on every trip. They are here and they are hungry!

Gerry Zagorski
10-01-2013, 03:13 PM
Same as above - They are home but no big bruisers just yet. Been out twice specifically targeting last week. Mostly toy togs with an occational 4 or 5 pounder mixed in.

If you don't start hooking up immediately, wait them out. Our last 2 trips it took about a hour each time to build some life and get em going.

Blackfish Bobby
10-01-2013, 03:41 PM
Three of us fished Sunday morning on SH Reef to warm up for the season. I kid you not when I tell you we dropped the anchor once and had a hoot catching and releasing over 100 tog. A majority of which were keepers. No jumbos but some nice roasters to 6 pounds. It was drop and reel for 2 hours. All on green crabs. I started to get a blister on my right thumb from reeling in fish. We laughed our asses off saying so much for the east wind and large ground swell shutting down the bite. NOT. Reminded me of the late 1970's when I fished the Sound out of Cos Cob Connecticut and we would fill a 30 pound pail with NICE fish in 2 hours and head in. In fact, we sailed right by the Atlantic Star on its way out of the harbor for the afternoon pork chop trip and I held up 2 of the beauty's we kept.

10-01-2013, 03:46 PM
Nice going, Bobby! Thanks for the report!

Blackfish Bobby
10-01-2013, 04:01 PM
A great day on the water....

Gerry Zagorski
10-01-2013, 05:37 PM
Nice Going Bobby!! Guess you found the right piece :D

10-01-2013, 05:48 PM
Just picked up a half bushel of greenies two hours ago.... Sea biscuits to start, reef donkey to end the day tomorrow.
I didn't buy any clams for seabassy , gonna just try jigging some new bottom I found a few weeks ago.


Fish Stix
10-01-2013, 07:27 PM
We are carrying crabs every trip. If seabassing is no good, we tog.

Also, tog trips are available. Get your skills up now, so your buddies can't talk too much smack all season!

10-02-2013, 06:21 PM
Went out today to the sh reef, it was really good blackfishing , brought home a 7lbr. Didn't catch one short, they were all keepers. It was tough to get through the Seabass .... Lol. Got a bunch of keepers on a blackfish jig, a few on diamond jig(a17) . And dropped an absolute bruiser of a Seabass boat side , when I tried to swing him in.... It was by far the biggest Seabass I've ever seen. And I've been on many offshore Seabass trips. I'll remember that one forever, that's for sure.
It was a really good day out there, I caught fish the whole time. Some of the blackfish were real healthy looking, some looked fat like a football. They were hitting like animals too.

Capt art
Blue Dog
24 rampage express

10-03-2013, 06:37 AM
New York opens 10/5