View Full Version : Prowler5 - Sun., Sept. 29th, Good Wreck Fishing Again / Sat.'s 3:30 Chum Blues Report

09-29-2013, 11:46 AM
Hey gang, Capt. Glenn called and said he's banging away at the nice porgies again on the wreck. It's been a very good start to the bottom season. As far as last night's 3:30 chum trip, it was just a slow pick. Fish were there but they were finicky. We have a group of seven coming tomorrow morning for the wreck trip - so we'll be sailing for sure. Me, Rob and Brian will see you in the AM. Rob will do a follow up report with pictures later. Thx., Capt. Scott

09-29-2013, 05:52 PM
I was on the trip today with two friends, Suzy Scup and No Bait Ray, and we had a cooler filling day today. Most if not all cbass were shorts although I did see one beauty come up. We had porgies of all sizes but plenty of dinner plates to go around. ACTION ALL DAY with cbass and porgies though.
Mates were filleting right up till 3:30 bluefish departure.

Very friendly crew and clean boat, plus it wasn't railed which is always nice. Sort of makes me wonder why I was hitting some of the other party boats down south.
Thanks to Capt Rob for busting his ass today. Our group can't wait to get back on.


09-29-2013, 10:27 PM
Hey guys, Rob here. We had very good fishing again today like reported earlier. Pool winner was a JUMBO porgy! Sorry no pics today. The battery in the camera was D O A. Great bunch of people today! Lots of laughs. See you in the AM We're lit up everyday at 5:30AM:)