View Full Version : Fishermen/ nite stripers update

09-29-2013, 08:57 AM
We have been out every nite this week with fishing from last Thur. nite to this past Tue. nite good and from Wed. nite to last nite slow. The nitetime currents have been weak and drifting conditions terrible. When we had good fishing early this week we had plenty of tide which is what you need for eel fishing. As this upcoming week goes on we will be getting the right tide and drifting fast enough should not be a problem. Also, more fish will be coming in by this midweek with the upcoming new moon. We will be sailing this afternoon at 3;30 and for info 908-930-2335.

09-29-2013, 10:31 AM
Great night last night.They must of been thick for me to catch 3.lol