Ocean Explorer
09-28-2013, 05:03 PM
9-28-13 We were greeted with a sharp swell out of the east this morning when we left the inlet..It eventually died down but early on it was lumpy especially on the ride out..Fishing was tough to start,,,very few bites...I ended up making lots of drops today,,I mean alot of drops...You would stop the boat and see some fish come up quick on most...maybe a half dozen to a dozen nice keepers,,some more some less..but then you would have to move..Kept it up all day,,,move here,,move there,,,some nice fish mixed in,,we caught some fish but it was a major struggle and just not enough to go around..Would have been ok with a smaller crowd,,then I would have said we did good but not for any amount of people today was it good..Check out some pics,,tomorrow we are gonna get back at it and get some nice fish in the boat..Just might have a different strategy!!See ya in the morning,,pics..