Ocean Explorer
09-27-2013, 05:19 PM
9-27-13 Sea bass opened up today and we made our way out in good conditions..We also had large a gathering of people looking to get into some nice fish for dinner...So here is the run down,,,Some spots we had fishing flying over the rail from bow to stern,,others spots were dead and we would only see a few fish come up..Some spots you would have one side of the boat catching good,,some nice singles,,some nice double headers,,and the other side would just watch,,,the best areas today were I would say amidships,,there we had guys with a dozen nice sea bass,,,they had high hooks...Average around the boat had 4-10 keepers,,,some lower,a couple even went home hungry,, but most had a good day..In the end the boat caught alot of fish,,the mates did hours of filleting,,we just had it spread out among a large crowd,,,I did alot of looking around,,small spots,,big spots,,rocks,,,old wrecks,,,,saw some things that got taken away probably from Sandy,,,spots that were there last year but gone now.Some spots had giant readings on em,,as you can see in the pics below,,there we had some great shot at em,,when they are up in the water like that they usually bite pretty good,The other day when I was diving the bottom was real dark and the visibility was low and the fish wanted to hang out above everything like they do this time of year..They were just our swimming around up off the bottom..One spot would have em and one would not,,,today I went to a drop that was loaded the other day where I was diving and had nearly nothing today,Everyday this time of year we get alot of fish moving around,,that why I like to do alot of manuvering around...Any way.It was good to get back to bottom fishing,,and we are gonna do it all over again tomorrow!See ya then!!Check out some pics from today!