View Full Version : Miss Belmar - JUMBO blues, COD & a 30 lb STRIPER!
09-23-2013, 01:01 PM
Saturday morning, we fished East of our inlet on the edge of the mud hole. It was just a pick for the first half of the morning, then it died out when the wind came on. We had good readings, however, the fish did not want to cooperate or bite well. Our pool winner was John Dertouzos from Hamilton, NJ with a 15 lb blue.
Sunday morning, we fished North of our inlet with super results on Ava 27’s and crocodiles. We had 30-40 minute drifts with plenty of readings and fish were stacked on the bottom and up off the bottom 20’. We were able to carry the fish at times with the blues stacked up under the boat. We also caught a 30 striper, a 15 lb cod and a 30 lb cod! Overall, it was a super fall day of angling for jumbo blues! Our pool winner was Nestor Alconga from Bowie, MD with a 30 lb striper!
Sailing daily from 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. & every Friday & Saturday night from 7:30 p.m. – 2:30 a.m. For more information, please feel free to call us anytime at (732) 681-6866 or (732) 681-0030.
With Miss Belmar's 3 engines and a total of 2,100 horsepower, she is the first boat to the fishing grounds every day and we guarantee it. No other boat comes close. Try us and you'll see why. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
09-23-2013, 02:20 PM
More pictures from the weekend... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
09-23-2013, 02:22 PM
And some more... ( ( ( ( ( (
09-23-2013, 07:58 PM
Did someone move the Mud Hole? On my charts, it's still more than 3 miles off the beach......much more. Did the cod move in toward the beach? That's quite a catch......big cod and big stripers less than 3 miles off! Did the regs change? I know you're a sponsor but I think someone's got some 'spainin' to do.
09-23-2013, 09:50 PM
That is funny I was asking myself the same thing that's one hell of a trip cod stripers and monster blues off the beach wow what a catch guys!!!!!
09-23-2013, 10:01 PM
looks like everyone got a turn holding up that striper too... :cool: haha
09-23-2013, 10:37 PM
Seriously! Just possession of that striper outside of 3 miles is illegal and subject to a fine. I find it hard to believe that the striper in the pictures was caught inside 3 miles not to mention the rest of the blues. The fact that the boat is a sponsor raises some issues. I'm sure someone else has asked the question about where the fish was caught. As for supporting a sponsor who has brought his integrity into question, I, for one, need more assurance that it didn't happen before I'll give him my business. If there is any substance to the indiscretion of the sponsor, then I have to ask whether this website will continue to promote his business. Ethical fishing practices should be a top priority for boat owners, mates, fishermen and women, and those who rely on fishing for their livelihood.
09-23-2013, 11:48 PM
I'm confused :confused:
Good going Captain! Looks like a great weekend of catching! Nice going! :D
09-24-2013, 07:50 AM
I don't understand what's with all the comments. Boat went out, headed north, caugh fish. Why are there comments.
09-24-2013, 07:58 AM
I don't understand what's with all the comments. Boat went out, headed north, caugh fish. Why are there comments.
because, based on where bluefish and cod usually are, (more than 3 miles out) you cannot legally keep a striped bass ;)
Gerry Zagorski
09-24-2013, 08:12 AM
Well how about if they were offshore, moved inshore at the end of the day and got the Striper... Perfectly legal, right??
Besides that, not sure about all of you but I enjoy and get some good information reading these reports by our sponsors and contributors. Do we want to discourage people from posting their reports by making accusations like this??
If you want to take shots at someone, do it in person or in private.
If you feel compelled to take a shot at someone here, how about you give your full name and phone number on your post so they know who their accuser is. Notice their contact information is on their posts.
09-24-2013, 08:18 AM
If you feel compelled to take a shot at someone here, how about you give your full name and phone number on your post so they know who their accuser is. Notice their contact information is on their posts.
Exactly. Glad I didn't post any pics from last year's cod catch, 0.8 miles off the beach.........
Why do people assume the fish were caught outside the legal area. Can never understand some of the senseless post I see on this site.
Anyway, nice to see the stripers and cod, congrats to the captain and fishermen.
Gerry Zagorski
09-24-2013, 09:40 AM
We've also caught an occational Cod while fishing the inshore wrecks for Tog and Sea Bass.
09-24-2013, 10:39 AM
Seriously! Just possession of that striper outside of 3 miles is illegal and subject to a fine. I find it hard to believe that the striper in the pictures was caught inside 3 miles not to mention the rest of the blues. The fact that the boat is a sponsor raises some issues. I'm sure someone else has asked the question about where the fish was caught. As for supporting a sponsor who has brought his integrity into question, I, for one, need more assurance that it didn't happen before I'll give him my business. If there is any substance to the indiscretion of the sponsor, then I have to ask whether this website will continue to promote his business. Ethical fishing practices should be a top priority for boat owners, mates, fishermen and women, and those who rely on fishing for their livelihood.
For those of you who need to question and make false accusations, we ended up starting out North East of our inlet in the mud hole which is where the cod fish was caught. The blue fishing was no good so we moved up to the North to the mud where we picked away at good shots of the big blues before it died out. At the end of the day we ended up going in on the rocks, which is inside of 3 miles, where we caught more big blues and the 30 lb striper. For those of you who need to talk bad about my business, you need to do like Gerry said, be a man and post your name and number and not hide behind a name so everyone knows who you are. Your supposed to be an Ambassador? You should be the one removed from this site for making false accusations about my business. We have been in business for 75 years and there have been many days where we have caught lots of stripers more than 3 miles off and have released them every time. If you were a customer on our boat you would know that.
09-24-2013, 11:01 AM
For those of you who need to question and make false accusations, we ended up starting out North East of our inlet in the mud hole which is where the cod fish was caught. The blue fishing was no good so we moved up to the North to the mud where we picked away at good shots of the big blues before it died out. At the end of the day we ended up going in on the rocks, which is inside of 3 miles, where we caught more big blues and the 30 lb striper. For those of you who need to talk bad about my business, you need to do like Gerry said, be a man and post your name and number and not hide behind a name so everyone knows who you are. Your supposed to be an Ambassador? You should be the one removed from this site for making false accusations about my business. We have been in business for 75 years and there have been many days where we have caught lots of stripers more than 3 miles off and have released them every time. If you were a customer on our boat you would know that.
Wait a minute that makes way to much sense! lol
Gerry Zagorski
09-24-2013, 11:25 AM
For those of you who need to question and make false accusations, we ended up starting out North East of our inlet in the mud hole which is where the cod fish was caught. The blue fishing was no good so we moved up to the North to the mud where we picked away at good shots of the big blues before it died out. At the end of the day we ended up going in on the rocks, which is inside of 3 miles, where we caught more big blues and the 30 lb striper. For those of you who need to talk bad about my business, you need to do like Gerry said, be a man and post your name and number and not hide behind a name so everyone knows who you are. Your supposed to be an Ambassador? You should be the one removed from this site for making false accusations about my business. We have been in business for 75 years and there have been many days where we have caught lots of stripers more than 3 miles off and have released them every time. If you were a customer on our boat you would know that.
I think the people who made these public accusations should make a public appology.
09-24-2013, 12:10 PM
Well stated Captain. Think it's about time we start an idiot thread on this forum.
Farmer Andy
09-24-2013, 12:11 PM
I've seen it personally many times - to back up what Capt. Alan is saying - many years of mackerel fishing on the Miss Belmar and a big striper comes up.
And right back into the water it goes, no questions asked. And many more times that I was on the boat and just heard a striper came up and went right back in before I ever saw it.
skate king
09-24-2013, 01:33 PM
Seriously! Just possession of that striper outside of 3 miles is illegal and subject to a fine. I find it hard to believe that the striper in the pictures was caught inside 3 miles not to mention the rest of the blues. The fact that the boat is a sponsor raises some issues. I'm sure someone else has asked the question about where the fish was caught. As for supporting a sponsor who has brought his integrity into question, I, for one, need more assurance that it didn't happen before I'll give him my business. If there is any substance to the indiscretion of the sponsor, then I have to ask whether this website will continue to promote his business. Ethical fishing practices should be a top priority for boat owners, mates, fishermen and women, and those who rely on fishing for their livelihood.
It would have done a lot for your integrity if you had called the captain who ran the boat or the owner to confirm where the striper was caught and if was legal to keep before posting such an acusatory post. You were reading a weekend update of both Saturday and Sunday trips. The cod were caught offshore on Saturday and the striper on Sunday after they headed NORTH of the inlet. I was sent a picture of the striper shortly after it was caught and by the buildings in the background it was well within the 3 mile limit. It does neither a business or someone who posts something like this no good to accuse someone of something wrong when it did not happen. Get the truth first then make any and all comments you feel are needed. By the responses so far I hope you will have the integrity to respond with an apology to both the captain and owner of the boat. Even then there are still people who want to believe only the negative and with that in mind you have, to some point, damaged the reputation of both the captain and owner to which that apology bocomes that much more evident in it's necessity.
Jim Dennehy
Proud supporter of the Miss Belmar fleet for 30+ years.
Gerry Zagorski
09-24-2013, 04:49 PM
Hmmmmmm..... All I hear are Crikets in the background now :rolleyes:
Captain Rich
09-24-2013, 05:08 PM
Reel Class
09-24-2013, 08:33 PM
It would have done a lot for your integrity if you had called the captain who ran the boat or the owner to confirm where the striper was caught and if was legal to keep before posting such an acusatory post. You were reading a weekend update of both Saturday and Sunday trips. The cod were caught offshore on Saturday and the striper on Sunday after they headed NORTH of the inlet. I was sent a picture of the striper shortly after it was caught and by the buildings in the background it was well within the 3 mile limit. It does neither a business or someone who posts something like this no good to accuse someone of something wrong when it did not happen. Get the truth first then make any and all comments you feel are needed. By the responses so far I hope you will have the integrity to respond with an apology to both the captain and owner of the boat. Even then there are still people who want to believe only the negative and with that in mind you have, to some point, damaged the reputation of both the captain and owner to which that apology bocomes that much more evident in it's necessity.
Jim Dennehy
Proud supporter of the Miss Belmar fleet for 30+ years.
X2 and couldn't agree more with what you said.
Some people truly don't get it - the internet gives a lot of folks muscles. Internet "armchair QB's" always come outta the woodwork whenever they got a bone to pick :) Think twice before hitting that send button people!
09-24-2013, 08:44 PM
Every “expert” NJ Saltwater fishing “Ambassador” knows that:
You can only catch winter flounder in the bays and rivers and only in the cooler months, never on deepwater wrecks or rough stuff in the summer.
Yellowfin Tuna are only found in the canyon or nearby flats, certainly never inshore of 30 fathoms.
Bluefin Tuna are only found inshore, but not within sight of land, never caught by beach fisherman and never in or near the canyon.
Blackfish will never hit a Killie or lure, they are only caught on crustaceans and mollusks. The largest are only caught on rough stuff in deeper water, never in the bay.
Cod are a winter fish and not caught inshore and were never caught from the beach.
Large Stripers and Blue fish are not usually caught inside of 3 miles, especially together and especially at this time of year. Even in jest I had trouble typing this one.
It is not proper fishing etiquette to have a picture taken holding or standing next to a fish that you did not land solo while abiding by all IGFA rules.
Sheepshead are a southern fish and were never caught in Sheepshead Bay, not even one.
Elephants don’t eat peanuts.
Please feel free to add you own expert “Ambassador” observations/facts.
It would have done a lot for your integrity if you had called the captain who ran the boat or the owner to confirm where the striper was caught and if was legal to keep before posting such an acusatory post. You were reading a weekend update of both Saturday and Sunday trips. The cod were caught offshore on Saturday and the striper on Sunday after they headed NORTH of the inlet. I was sent a picture of the striper shortly after it was caught and by the buildings in the background it was well within the 3 mile limit. It does neither a business or someone who posts something like this no good to accuse someone of something wrong when it did not happen. Get the truth first then make any and all comments you feel are needed. By the responses so far I hope you will have the integrity to respond with an apology to both the captain and owner of the boat. Even then there are still people who want to believe only the negative and with that in mind you have, to some point, damaged the reputation of both the captain and owner to which that apology bocomes that much more evident in it's necessity.
Jim Dennehy
Proud supporter of the Miss Belmar fleet for 30+ years.
You sure about that? That's not what the report says or the captain's post...
09-25-2013, 08:38 AM
I was not on this particular trip, but I can tell you first hand that I was on a mackeral trip with the MBP and I caught a 25# striper. The captain looked at me and said, "That's beautiful, too bad it has to go back. We're more than 3 miles out." There was never any question. That boat has plenty of integrity as far as I'm concerned.
Just say'n.
09-25-2013, 09:47 AM
I was not on this particular trip, but I can tell you first hand that I was on a mackeral trip with the MBP and I caught a 25# striper. The captain looked at me and said, "That's beautiful, too bad it has to go back. We're more than 3 miles out." There was never any question. That boat has plenty of integrity as far as I'm concerned.
Just say'n.
09-25-2013, 05:27 PM
And I think that was Johnny Bucktail in the picture.
When is he going to stop catching all my fish!!
09-25-2013, 11:20 PM
Billfish why do you doubt that striper was caught within 3 miles? Water was 63 degrees on incoming tide last week at the tip of the hook and they have been eeling at night and catching 20 pounders.....not takingsides just wondering why that fish couldnt be caught within 3 miles
09-26-2013, 11:03 AM
Let me “man-up” about my reply. After re-reading what I wrote, I acknowledge my mistake. I apologize for any hard feelings it generated. The words did not properly reflect my reaction to the original post. Once it was specifically explained where the fish were caught, it all made sense. To mention the Mud Hole and cod and blues and a striper on the same trip without mention of the stop at the “rocks” raised an eyebrow. The fact that I was concerned and confused should come as no surprise. However, my concerns for ethical fishing practices should not be overlooked. If I called attention to a perceived transgression on someone’s part, I did so because I felt that it was my responsibility to help maintain the integrity of our sport. Again, I apologize for any misunderstanding and applaud this forum for accepting and promoting the professionalism of its sponsors. I hope, though, that this has called attention to the fact that we are all “ambassadors” for our sport and that any transgressions should be challenged. We have a right and a duty to do so. " Idiot forum"? I don't think so.
skate king
09-26-2013, 03:10 PM
Let me “man-up” about my reply. After re-reading what I wrote, I acknowledge my mistake. I apologize for any hard feelings it generated. The words did not properly reflect my reaction to the original post. Once it was specifically explained where the fish were caught, it all made sense. To mention the Mud Hole and cod and blues and a striper on the same trip without mention of the stop at the “rocks” raised an eyebrow. The fact that I was concerned and confused should come as no surprise. However, my concerns for ethical fishing practices should not be overlooked. If I called attention to a perceived transgression on someone’s part, I did so because I felt that it was my responsibility to help maintain the integrity of our sport. Again, I apologize for any misunderstanding and applaud this forum for accepting and promoting the professionalism of its sponsors. I hope, though, that this has called attention to the fact that we are all “ambassadors” for our sport and that any transgressions should be challenged. We have a right and a duty to do so. " Idiot forum"? I don't think so.
Bilfish715. This took a lot of "Integrity" on your part. I apologize if I questioned yours. It won't happen again. Yes, I agree some of the wrap ups of several days of fishing by some of the posts can be confusing and that's why it is best to confirm what the facts are before responding. One thing I did learn from a lot of this thread is that a lot of us really do care about our sport and it's future.
Good fishing
Jim Dennehy AKA Skate King
09-26-2013, 08:58 PM
Bilfish715. This took a lot of "Integrity" on your part. I apologize if I questioned yours. It won't happen again. Yes, I agree some of the wrap ups of several days of fishing by some of the posts can be confusing and that's why it is best to confirm what the facts are before responding. One thing I did learn from a lot of this thread is that a lot of us really do care about our sport and it's future.
Good fishing
Jim Dennehy AKA Skate King
There's no need for you to apologize. I appreciate the fact that we share the same concerns for the future of our sport. I'm sure if our positions were reversed, you would have spoken up too, especially if you thought someone had transgressed. You are the only one who seems to understand my motivation. You didn't stoop to sarcasm and responded as a mature adult and fellow fisherman. Thank you. Tight lines.
09-27-2013, 08:07 AM
Wait a second. I did not stoop. I only pointed out my personal experience with the boat. I understand and share your motivation, but personally, I would've reached out directly to learn more before posting my questions publicly.
09-27-2013, 08:32 AM
Wait a second. I did not stoop. I only pointed out my personal experience with the boat. I understand and share your motivation, but personally, I would've reached out directly to learn more before posting my questions publicly.
No, you did not stoop and you didn't use sarcasm. Thanks for that. I don't disagree with your suggestion about responding. I just chose a different approach. This thread is over. Let's get back to fishing but continue to be diligent.
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