View Full Version : Gambler 2 day tuna report????

09-22-2013, 10:12 PM
Ok, I know the chunking reports have been dismal but does anybody know how they did on their recent 48hr. trip? Somebody has to know.

09-22-2013, 11:20 PM
3 fish total.

09-23-2013, 06:27 AM
Yikes! :eek:

09-23-2013, 07:09 AM
I bet the captain did the best he could ! And burned
Some fuel looking!

09-23-2013, 09:41 AM
I bet the captain did the best he could ! And burned
Some fuel looking!

Pretty sure he did. The whole party boat fleet has been saying the same. It is a matter of time.

Pennsy Guy
09-23-2013, 10:40 AM
You guys are spot on....got out there--west wall Hudson @ 4pm trolled til 7 and set up a drift, then anchored...too flat the first night...short bite @ 4AM 6 hookups, 2 70# YFT..my ne pulled the hook after 6-7 min...a single boated half hour later...lots of life in 70-72 water..more porpise than I've ever seen all evening & night with numerous whales off and on same time and squid...no sharks!
Trolled the second morning..nothing...pot hopped for a few mahi..a couple of 10-15#, the rest chickens...drifted a NOAA ocean buoy, ran a mile or so and set up for the night chunk in same temp water, but wind and seas building and a threatening sky...rained most the night with 20 knot wind..no life at all..only run-offs were blue devils--one was really huge...nothing til 6AM and a line went off(only 6 lines in by then)--two hours later we saw it at least a third of it--massive swordy we thought it'd go 300#..Capt. Bob said 400, maybe 500#...5-10 minutes later, it was gone...end of trip...
Thanks to the entire crew and Bob for doing everything in their power to help us on this trip--which they always do..and to Chef Tom for keeping us well fed and at the rail with his special coffee!!!

See you this Thursday...better fish-wise trip coming!!!


09-23-2013, 10:46 AM
Oh no!...and the Gambler is one of the top Tuna party boats out there. Looks like capt tried hard...he even trolled! Waiting a week or two to see if the bite changes. Hopefully the chunking season wont be over before it even starts!:(

Pennsy Guy
09-23-2013, 10:59 AM
Forgot...brain's still foggy..had a white and I think it was a blue marlin on the first day also...
there isin't a real good temp break or spinoff...looks like it's pretty much the same flat temp all over...it wasn't the moon with current...that short bite came with lines straight down about 140' with 5 to 1 oz...I had 1oz on straight down.....

09-23-2013, 11:58 AM
The Dip was on FIRE with longfins on 9/21-9/21/13. We had 17 of them up to 55-60 lbs. 3 were FAT! Also had 3 mahi... Got word the Hudson was slow so we stayed east and did well. No yellows though. Tons of life too...