View Full Version : They're Here, FINALLY!!

09-21-2013, 03:36 PM
Albies have arrived. Beter late then never which was looking like a distinct possibility. I got two on the Golden Eagle out east today before the wind shut it down. Would have had more if not for messing around with the bluefish to start. 'Bout time!!!

09-21-2013, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the info... Kinda.... Now I'm gonna have to put more rods in the boat next weekend... Reefin it baby!!! , now who's got bulk spearing or capelin s?

09-22-2013, 07:40 AM
Seems to be a shortage of spearing. Bought a small packet in PP last week that disintegrated upon opening, totally useless. Vampire spearing, sun hits them they turn to dust. Got lucky yesterday as one place just got in a few 2 1/2lb bricks of real nice fresh frozen fat ones but I'm sure they're gone by now.

Really thought we would get shutout this year, hey, it's happened before. What was there, like a five year drought a while back? Anyway, I see a small boat gaffe a fish and say holy sh*t, that's an albie. So I start working a tsunami hard and BOOM! Off to the races we go.

09-30-2013, 12:08 PM
They are Freshwater Spearing from TURKEY that have been repackaged.
I bought some but the dealer told me of the problem.

When they disintegrate usually it's from not being frozen quick enough.

09-30-2013, 04:17 PM
Go to an Asian supermarket. They typically sell frozen smelts, a larger version of spearing, and the albies luv them.The 2 markets down here in Cherry Hill sell them for $2/lb, so for $3 you get whole day's supply. A better bait at ~1/2 the cost.

09-30-2013, 04:19 PM
Throw small deadly dicks with a hatch-matching teaser/fly 18-24" above the lure off a dropper. Works like a charm out East!