09-18-2013, 08:13 AM
We will be sailing tonite at 6;30 for stripers and for bait we will be using eels. With your fare, everyone gets 2 eels and if you need more you can buy them on the boat for 2 bucks. This is the same system we used on the Teal, on the Angler, and also the Freddy C years back. Another good thing is to buy a few eels on your way down to the boat, just small eels. There has been some bass caught by the N.Y. boats this week so lets go see what we can do. As of this Mon. nite coming we will be striper fishing every nite weather permitting. A good thing is to listen to the weather and call me if you are coming down so I can tell you if its fishable that nite. For info 908-930-2335.