View Full Version : P.E.I. 3 days Giant Tuna Trip!

09-17-2013, 05:46 PM
Fished Saturday, Sunday & Monday with Capt. Spence Norton on Sun catcher!


Greg chartered last year and I was able to join him since he needed new buddy fish with him.

Greg pick me at my shop around 8:30PM and we drive nonstop to P.E.I. he just scheduled so we can stop by P.E.I shell fish festival. Not a lot of venders but had fresh oysters, clams, sea food chowder, and even lobster rolls. I was so full; have to pass fresh oysters to Greg.

Saturday, Greg go first, he was using his custom build black hole giant with Avet T-RX, once Capt. Spence pulled his herring net, we saw tuna marks right away, they feed them for few minutes and dropped fresh herring bait we got from the net, after 2 try Greg got tight. He set the drag 65lb at strike, only took 22min for 750lb Giant.
We go back to dock and come out again but not seeing any fish, Capt. Spencer set one kite and 1 live Mackerel. I was going to use my prototype rod witch Avet EX-50w but found Gimbal were loose. So Greg asked me to his rod and reel. After 10~20 drifting, fish on... I never fought any fish with 65lb drag before, but was able to land 650lb Giant in 12 minutes. High drag, shorter fighting time if you have right gear.

I was not able to take any pictures for my first 650lb, because leader line got broke while Mate's gaff tangled to leader line.
heading to Japan.
738lb Giant.

Sunday, Greg goes first. We had little slower bite, Giant took dead hearing again, took much longer run and we knew it was big fish. After 50min fight, we saw huge Giant, Spence estimated 1000lb. Congratulations Greg.
After we touched dock and back out again, it was so quiet, not many boat hooked at all, we stayed until 6:00pm, but no bite.
I was afraid I could not test my rod and reel. I posted Alan Tani's web site if I can upgrade my Avet ex-50w so I can get more drag, someone suggested change washer position from ()() to ((((, so I did before the trip, when we test my Avet, we were able to get 55lb drag at strike, thanks for that tip.
Greg's 1000lb Giant.

09-17-2013, 05:47 PM
Monday, I was first, we saw a lot of herring boats working, Capt bought some bait from commercial herring boat and started working one of the herring boat, he dropped 2 dead herring right next to herring boat, but no bite, he changed to live mackerel and we got instant bite, once he clean away from herring nets, he passed rod to me and fight is on. I started about 30lb drag and tested my blanks, I was afraid if the blank is not good for P.E.I giant, after 10 min fight, I got more confident this rod, I gave more and more drag, once I saw mono top shot, I set drag to 55lb, rod performed very nice, landed my 750lb giant in 19 min. not so bad for 15oz rod. Thanks Ralph (rodwinder).
I am ready.. ???
Greg, You need better camera. ;D

Greg had big fish again, fish took more than half of the spool on 65lb drag, but leader line got broke. After 2~3 hours, he got bite on live mackerel on kite. He fought 20 min for his 750lb giant.


I was great trip, it was not like 2011 fish were everywhere. but able to test my rod and reel handles.

Gear used.

Black hole Giant custom.(cut 4" from tip) Avet T-RX. 200lb JB hollow, 60ft 240lb jinkai mono top shot. 15ft 200lb Seaguar Fluorocarbon.
NO name custom rod from Jigging World. Avet EX-50W with JW custom Handle. *60ft 240lb jinkai mono top shot. 15ft 200lb Seaguar Fluorocarbon.

Gerry Zagorski
09-18-2013, 08:12 AM
WOW... Surprised to see such a great report from PEI... I was told the fishing was pretty slow up there recently so it sounds like you guys hit it at the right time.

Also pretty amazing you all made short order of landing those fish with what looks to be fairly light gear. When I say light gear, I meant a lot lighter than the 80's they usually fish up there and the broomstick poles. Looks like one of the poles was spiral wrapped too. That must make it a lot easier when fishing stand up, right?

09-18-2013, 09:45 AM
WOW... Surprised to see such a great report from PEI... I was told the fishing was pretty slow up there recently so it sounds like you guys hit it at the right time.

Also pretty amazing you all made short order of landing those fish with what looks to be fairly light gear. When I say light gear, I meant a lot lighter than the 80's they usually fish up there and the broomstick poles. Looks like one of the poles was spiral wrapped too. That must make it a lot easier when fishing stand up, right?

I was there from sept.5-8. We had great fishing....The afternoons did slow down, but still there were enough bites where I would call it good fishing. Those times from Kil are ridiculous..not doubting them at all, but I would love to see it. Our last fish did come in fairly easy....I am sure if we were fishing in a few hundred feet of water it would have been different, but we hooked up in 60 feet. Those captains laugh hysterically at the giant tuna drama from other areas while they are literally feeding them like pets. :cool:

09-18-2013, 01:10 PM

what do you guys think rod action? this was not designed for giants, thinking about bring in for long range yellow fin tuna and heavy duty jigging rod.
length is 5'2"(with Gimbal) and around 15oz.


09-18-2013, 01:23 PM
WOW... Surprised to see such a great report from PEI... I was told the fishing was pretty slow up there recently so it sounds like you guys hit it at the right time.

Also pretty amazing you all made short order of landing those fish with what looks to be fairly light gear. When I say light gear, I meant a lot lighter than the 80's they usually fish up there and the broomstick poles. Looks like one of the poles was spiral wrapped too. That must make it a lot easier when fishing stand up, right?

Previous week were very slow, My fishing buddy Greg is very lucky guy, he brings tuna with him.

Spiral wrap rod is very easy for anglers. Greg fished with his black hole Giant, I used my prototype rod, mine is only 5'2" long and weight 15oz. we saw most of boats fight on bend butt rod on rod holder with 80w reels.


09-18-2013, 01:24 PM
WOW... Surprised to see such a great report from PEI... I was told the fishing was pretty slow up there recently so it sounds like you guys hit it at the right time.

Also pretty amazing you all made short order of landing those fish with what looks to be fairly light gear. When I say light gear, I meant a lot lighter than the 80's they usually fish up there and the broomstick poles. Looks like one of the poles was spiral wrapped too. That must make it a lot easier when fishing stand up, right?

can you embed youtube video?

09-18-2013, 10:14 PM
Great trip Yong glad you got into them we had a frustrating trip.Im glad joined me on the Acid wrap build I love it.Your rod looks very good as well

09-19-2013, 12:27 AM
Great trip Yong glad you got into them we had a frustrating trip.Im glad joined me on the Acid wrap build I love it.Your rod looks very good as well

Acid wrap all the way! we are building 4 types of inshore rods right now, 50% of them are acid wraped. Randy(anglers proshop) build my first acid wrap jigging rod in 2005, since then all my custom rods are acid wraped.
