View Full Version : BOUNTY HUNTER - Monster Blues With The Rich Davis Charter, 9/14

Bounty Hunter
09-14-2013, 08:19 PM
If You like fishing for Monster Bluefish, the Bounty Hunter can provide you with all the action you want. As was the case today when Capt. Paul took the Rich Davis charter out for a day of Bluefishing. Along with Rich were were his fishing buddies George, Leland and Bill. The morning ocean had a few potholes in it but we got to the grounds early enough to anchor on some good bottom. The big Blues wasted no time jumping on our baits and the boys had their hands full for the next 4 hours. When it was decided that they had enough we had 50 Monster Blues on ice. We filled both deck boxes and one large cooler. It was a day that the guy's will remember. :) :) :)

09-16-2013, 10:11 AM
way to go Capt. Paul and Tony.