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View Full Version : Rye NH ground fishing

09-14-2013, 02:41 PM
My wife Dolores and I spent 2 great days ground fishing on Jefferies Ledge out off NH and had very good fishing . Friday was a little messy but great fishing for Cod and haddock with a few Pollack . Lots of fish with some big bull haddock to 12lbs and cod to 18lbs for the 10 people on the open boat. Second day was raining but flat water, hit the same spots but only found tons of haddock and cod in the 18-20" range ( what a difference 12 hrs makes) Captain went searching and power drifting in 200-380' for cod and Pollack and found some real nice pockets of Pollack and cod , Captain but us over a school and yelled drop them and boom every one hooks up some with doubles of 15-18 lb fish.
the wife and I will be back up Oct 12-15 for one last trip before the season ends for the boat and there is still room on 10/14 on the open boat, This is the hardest working 12 man boat and we love it. anyone interested PM me for details, you won't regret it once you hit the fishing grounds.
12 lb Haddock
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f114/bpcbear2000/DSC00155_zps2afbccf6.jpg (http://s46.photobucket.com/user/bpcbear2000/media/DSC00155_zps2afbccf6.jpg.html)
15 lb Cod caught on jig in 280 FOW
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f114/bpcbear2000/DSC00161_zps9daaa58c.jpg (http://s46.photobucket.com/user/bpcbear2000/media/DSC00161_zps9daaa58c.jpg.html)
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f114/bpcbear2000/DSC00159_zpsbd75d513.jpg (http://s46.photobucket.com/user/bpcbear2000/media/DSC00159_zpsbd75d513.jpg.html)
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f114/bpcbear2000/DSC00157_zps63080062.jpg (http://s46.photobucket.com/user/bpcbear2000/media/DSC00157_zps63080062.jpg.html)
http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f114/bpcbear2000/DSC00162_zps38c7f9e2.jpg (http://s46.photobucket.com/user/bpcbear2000/media/DSC00162_zps38c7f9e2.jpg.html)

09-14-2013, 07:20 PM
Nice Jon! I am glad you had a good trip. I will see you up there next month.

09-14-2013, 09:25 PM
Thanks Jon, great trip,
We had fresh haddock every night.
We will see you when you get in that Friday.
good luck, Todd should be back by then as he has been out with Kidney stones a few weeks and Capt Bill miss's him working the back

09-15-2013, 02:29 PM
Jon , did you guys fill your trip

09-16-2013, 06:58 PM
Hey Jon nice report and pics. I am interested to know where this boat is if you don't mind PMing me the info. I usually fish out of a fleet in Seabrook, NH (im sure you know the name of that fleet).


09-16-2013, 07:21 PM
Brian- trip filled in 3 days. :) but I can add to waitlist.

Petey- PM sent

09-16-2013, 08:23 PM
just wondered if you got everyone . I wished we could have made your trip too:D