View Full Version : Njfishing Member Fishes For Cod Aboard Relentless

Relentless Charters
09-10-2013, 07:36 AM
It was a pleasure yestereday running a shared charter and having on board Captain Bob Morrell a NJFISHING member and owner of
SANDY HOOK SPORTFISHING ADVENTURES http://sandyhookfishing.com/index.php/the-crew who also brought along his son Matt and friend Dave. Joining then was Pat Scida and his friend Katie who had never been cod fishing before and Mike Colleary a Relentless regular.

Leaving the dock early after introductions and the standared safety brief we headed offshore and discussed fishing, fishery management and of course some football, now that the season is here. Dave and Matt wanted to remind me how the NY Giants beat the Patriots in two recent superbowls and I told them the better team won the game.

Once we arrived on the cod grounds Capt Bob picked up a quick cod along with everyone else on the boat all on jigs. This kept our mate Gilles busy in the cockpit gaffing some nice market sized codfish.

United States Navy Petty Officer Matt Morrell with an early morning codfish landed on board RELENTLESS

Katie with her first ever codfish she landed on a jig

The fishing was steady and I appologize about not gettign pictures of Dave and Captain Bob who certainly landed their share of fish on the steady pick.

Pat Scida another experienced cod fisherman landed one of the nicer codfish of the day

The bite died off at the bottom of the tide and we heded up to Tilles Bank where we found a few legal sized haddock and some more codfish.

Katie reeling in another fish

Hard work results in another cod being landed by Katie

Matt displays a cusk he landed on bait

Pat Scida shows off a legal sized haddock he landed fishing on RELENTLESS

By the time we reached the dock, Gilles had all of the fish filleted with Dave passing them over to the fillet table and the boat scrubbed down and fish bagged. Everyone went home with plenty of fillets for the freezer. It was still a nice day with everyone on board doing well. Bob and I were talking about the old days of totes full of fillets and hundreds of cod coming over the rail. Those days are gone but you can still have a good time on a Relentless shared Charter. If interested in getting out please contact us at captdave@relentlesscharters.com

I want to thank everyone for fishing with us on Monday and thank Matt for his service to our country while serving in the US Navy. As a retired Coast Guard Officer I could tell he has a bright future and would have been proud to serve with him. Have a great day and tight lines.


Capt Dave

09-10-2013, 07:56 AM
Great Day Dave, can't thank you and Gillies enough!

shrimpman steve
09-10-2013, 10:21 AM
Very nice report. Love those haddock

09-10-2013, 01:15 PM
So sorry I couldn't make that trip. Glad to see you guys caught them.
Capt. Dave How many spots do you have for the 21st?

Relentless Charters
09-10-2013, 03:58 PM

On Saturday the 21st we still have five spots open, we just filled Friday's shared charter. IF interested in going please let me know.

