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View Full Version : Golden Eagle - Monday Excellent Monster Blues - Limit Catches

09-09-2013, 05:33 PM
EXCELLENT fishing for MONSTER Blues today. Got to the grounds this morning and read the fish really good made a drift and hooked 8 to 10 fish immediately but the drift was too fast.
So we dropped the anchor and threw the chum, it took about 10 minutes to get the fish going. But once they started the bite was on until it was time to come.
We had several limit catches of the MONSTER Blues in the 10 to 18lb range. Everyone had all they wanted. Most of the fish were caught on bait.

See pic's below

The GOLDEN EAGLE sails daily for Blues & Stripers at 7:30am and Thurs., Fri. & Saturday nights at 7:30pm from Belmar Marina in Belmar, NJ.

For more information visit us at www.goldeneaglefishing.com (http://www.goldeneaglefishing.com) or call 732-681-6144.

See you on board