View Full Version : Angler Fluke Reports: 9/1 and 9/6

09-07-2013, 09:03 AM
I fished on the Angler Yesterday and Sunday with Capt. George and Crew. Yesterday was the regular trip 7AM-2PM and Sunday was the Marathon Trip 7AM-4PM.

On Sunday, George first fished Flynn's Knoll right away during the first two hours of the outgoing tide. Very nice fish came up here, fish in the 21-26 inch range and a few smaller keepers and a few shorts. I jigged a 4lbder(22") and 6lbder(25") here, plus some shorts. Next we fished the point of Sandy Hook for the rest of the outgoing and had action on a ton shorts and few small keepers. After that, George took a little 30 minute ride to fish some rocky bottom about 4-5 miles off of the Sandy Hook Beach. A few Keepers and a few shorts were had here. Around 1 PM we went to fish right on the Sandy Hook Beach were an 11lbder was caught the day before. Well no Monsters, but a lot of keepers, a lot of shorts, and a lot of Sea Robins were had here. During the last hour the drift got extremely fast and I still jigged, but should of switched to bait sooner. I did finally drag and lost a nice fish, unless it was a giant Sea Robin.

I ended the day with the two big keepers, but the humidity and heat got to me later in the trip and made me lose my decision making skills. I could of had more keeprs.

Yesterday was not a bad trip. Capt. George started fishing some of the sandy structure closer to the tip of the Hook and it started slow with only some shorts. Next he fished the the edges of the rips at the tip of the Hook with some good current, but the first 3 keepers of the day were had here since we were moving nicely. Next, off to Flynn's were we picked a few keepers here, some 3-7 lbs, plus some short and Keeper Sea Bass and a few Porgies. I jigged once again and had my only two keepers here , one a nice 3lbder, and lost another on the swing onto the deck that was borderline. Well, around 10:30 George took the short run to Ambrose where the the action was tremendous, but all the Fluke were 10-16 inches here. Last stop was directly at the tip of the Hook, where we had all the shorts you could ask for and some nice keeopers (18-22 inches).

After the trip, I hit the Sea Bright surf and added another keeper to the box and 8 shorts.

I could of done better and I think it is obvious that I am more suited to jigging than dragging bait. I need to adjust a little more precisionally to conditions deciding where I should jig or drag. I need to also practice dragging bait and I will get my limit.... No lack of effort from the Capt, George fished all over the place to find some nice keepers.

Thanks Capt. George and crew for two nice days out!


(Picture from yesterday, I forgot to take a picture of those two nice fish I had from Sunday).