View Full Version : Who's in on the Gambler 36hr tuna trip Oct 2-3?

09-01-2013, 11:29 AM
So who's all going on the 36hr trip October 2-3? My buddy Tim and myself will be on along with his brother Aaron and another friend. We have been on 2 of the 48hr trips and both times had trips of a lifetime! Hoping to have half the luck we've had so far. Can't wait!!!!

Mark H.

Pennsy Guy
09-01-2013, 07:55 PM
In "search" type in "NJ Fishing.com TUNA trip"...should give you 53 replies--#52 is the list but don't know how current it is now & don't know their "handles" on NJF...
Tight Lines Bud--for you, Tim & the rest of the guys.....