View Full Version : Friday Fluke Monger

08-30-2013, 09:06 PM
Quick update as to today's trip on the Fish Monger with Capt. Jerry and Danny.

Very good day!! Danny turned in the official charter / crew limit at 11:59. Played catch and release for give or take another hour. Quality fish...a lot at 3#'s, a handful of 5#'s and a couple that were in the 7# range.

Sorry, no pictures... I have a hard enough time typing.

A couple of guys from the board joined us... Chuck and Josh...great guys and good fisherman.

All star crew on deck for the Monger tomorrow...we left plenty of "squid" strips to get the day started.

Tight Lines,


08-31-2013, 06:41 AM
Great job, should have made this trip.

08-31-2013, 06:59 AM
Monger Nation strikes again!!!

08-31-2013, 08:14 AM
Epic does not do justice to describe the trip yesterday. Danny the mate said it was the best he saw this year. Reminded me of seabassing with Jerry where you cant close the bale before they're hitting you! I need to invest in bigger gulp cause the small ones were wearing me out! Jerry just "shakes em off". I gotta work on that too! Kevin thanks so much for the invite! Tight lines!


08-31-2013, 11:23 AM
Second the above comments. The most amazing day of fishing for me this year, and I fish pretty much every week the year around. Not more than 5 minutes without a bite. Started the day with a fair number of shorts, but after that it was almost all quality fish with no need to measure. Even more impressive reading the comments about poor fishing yesterday from the other boats. The Monger truly is in a class by itself.

08-31-2013, 08:56 PM
Oh! And wait till you see the new boat! Can't wait to get out in it.