View Full Version : Head Hunter recent Tuna Trip Fatty BigEye and longfin! W/ pic

08-30-2013, 01:32 AM
Captain Big Beast Evan is keeping his Big Blue Beast over the top of the Wolf Pacs!

This dressed out @ 170lb weighed right around a 200lbs!
Sept. 6,7,8 marathon trip is almost full... Departure will be 10pm Friday returning 6pm Sunday...we have 2 spots left.....we only have 7 spots left total on Sept 3rd and 4th and the sept. 4th to 5th overnighters. Our open boat trips are filling up quickly as we anticipate the opening of a good chunk season this year to follow an already banner bigeye bite!!....there is great water moving in that will be holding plenty of yellowfin....which is what everyone is waiting for!

Also with the Hot Big Eye bite going on in the canyons this maybe your best chance at getting that Big Eye notch in your Tuna belt!

Don't hesitate as you may find it hard to jump on any boat soon! This season is showing all the signs of the way the nineties was like.

08-30-2013, 04:53 PM
Fire up the grill !!!

08-31-2013, 06:29 AM
Fire up the grill !!!
Andy this one went to the Tuna buyers sorry!!

09-02-2013, 05:35 AM
Guys Captain Evan is out there doing a 44 hour Marathon trip....he is due in tonight..keep an eye out for our report of our first official Tuna iron Man trip.

We still have room on next weekends Iron man Marathon trip sept. 6,7and 8th(2 spots) we also have (3 spots) open for tomorrows overnighter 3/4 and Thursday 4/5 (3 Spots).....fish in total comfort with a Top notch crew and Captain!!

09-02-2013, 05:35 PM
My bad guys ....I am in North Carolina..... Just found out the first marathon that was scheduled this weekend was canceled due to weather....sorry to anyone anticipating a report from our first marathon....guess our first one will be sept. 6,7 and 8th....which we still have 2 spots open on we also still have 3 spots on tomorrow's overnighter and Wednesdays overnighter.

09-04-2013, 09:12 PM
Guys we still have room on this weekends Canyon trip