Blackfish Doug
08-27-2013, 06:05 PM
I went fishing today with a good old time buddy who I haven't fished with in a good 15 years. We started at the tip of hook drifted over some good bird life & got 1 cocktail Blue. Then we went & covered a lot of ground today & got beat up a bit at the Mud & the Fisherman. All we got out there were Pin sized Sea Bass & 1 nice Trigger fish. We then moved inshore & got a nice 21" fish with quite a few short fish. Then we went closer to home to my buddy Lenny The Whips Honey hole & got a nice 25" 5 1/2 lb Fluke. We also had quite a few Fluke on our last 2 drifts. I wish I had the Ruby Slippers on there's no place like home. Also My buddy Lenny got a nice I would say a good 2 lb plus trigger.