View Full Version : Relentless Charters Cod Fishing Update

Relentless Charters
08-26-2013, 10:21 PM
Good Evening,

A busy summer so far with Capt Shaun's wedding, work and charters resulting in a lack of posts on the the forum, sorry everyone. I know flog the captain for not posting up. What has been going on up on Stellwagen Bank is a mystery this year to many. After several years of incredible tuna fishing for charter size fish they are virtually non-existent. This has had us focusing on the state fish also known as cod. Lately we have been having excellent trips landing either legal or near legal limits of market sized cod on jigs and teasers. The big pollock should be moving in to the deeper ledges real soon setting us up for some great trips to fill the freezer with cod and pollock. Unfortunately the haddock have been off a bit but the fishing can pickup after just a few days. At least anglers are happy with the cod fishing. If anyone is interested in getting out on a charter we still have some dates open including some weekend dates in Sep and Oct. For additional information please contact me at captdave@relentlesscharters.com Here are a few photos from this weekend's trips and have a great Labor Day Weekend.


Capt Dave



