08-25-2013, 09:03 PM
3:30 start, dodge possum, racoon and bear in first 2 miles
Get to marina at 6, was # 4 on list, 16 of 20 signed out before it opens at 7
Have 4 box traps that I set in a line to prospect
Anchor with 6 drop lines
Have bunker, squid and chicken
Crabbing sucks
Try far side of bridge, marina side of bridge, channel in front of marina, near bridge, back from bridge.
Saving grace is croackers and spots hitting sand worms and to an little extent, squid
Out 7 - 2, did come in at lunch to get more worms
9 crabs, full 5 gallon bucket of fish, 40 spot, 20 croakers 6 snappers
Get to marina at 6, was # 4 on list, 16 of 20 signed out before it opens at 7
Have 4 box traps that I set in a line to prospect
Anchor with 6 drop lines
Have bunker, squid and chicken
Crabbing sucks
Try far side of bridge, marina side of bridge, channel in front of marina, near bridge, back from bridge.
Saving grace is croackers and spots hitting sand worms and to an little extent, squid
Out 7 - 2, did come in at lunch to get more worms
9 crabs, full 5 gallon bucket of fish, 40 spot, 20 croakers 6 snappers