View Full Version : An honest summation of fluking from Barnegat inlet in two words:

Capt. JJ
08-25-2013, 08:55 PM

Was part of a 50 boat fleet around the reef today and saw very few nets being utilized....moved away from the fray and found a few on a nice mussel bed but the drift died and we had to call it an early day.

On another note, we DO know where all the stripers will be this Fall for all you Barney boys who will be chasing them, come cooler waters:


Enough bunker to feed the entire world population just sitting around, bored out of their gourds!!!!!!!

: )

Capt. JJ

08-26-2013, 07:41 AM
Which reef are we talking about sucking?

08-26-2013, 09:56 AM
We were out there yesterday about a mile or so from the Tires working some snags and ended up with 10 keepers to about 5lbs and too many shorts to count. Fish are there, just gotta find a pod and work the area hard, short drifts! Dragged bait most of the day until drift died, then switched to bucktail/gulp and still was able to catch.

Capt. JJ
08-26-2013, 10:44 AM
Nice going AC!

I think its fair to say, based on what we watched and experienced, for fiver hours, that you might have been the exception, rather than the rule.

There ARE fish there, and just North of the inlet as well....but compared to last year at this time????? When several well-known MI boats were drifting south of the pier with us to nail their limits?


: )