View Full Version : Head Hunter Tuesday Bluefin report!

08-21-2013, 12:16 PM
First we are happy to announce that Captain Todd Colabella has joined thenHead Hunter Team!!!!

Yesterday Captains Evan and Todd had the Robert T. Group for some inshore Bluefin action.

Action was a little a scarce we put in an extra 2 hours on the back end to put one 46 inch under in the boat....we had what appeared to be 2 overs on the spreader bars but they came unbuttoned!!

We are running an open boat bluefin on early Sunday in between 2 overnight ears....we have 4 spots still open ...cost is the usual 375/person....anyone interested please call 732 539 7403.... We just received intel of some pigs between 100 and 150 ponds within striking distance of manasquan inlet!! Jump on the Big Blue Beast!!