jenny lee sportfishing
08-19-2013, 07:23 AM
Monday, August 19. 2013
seery family bigeye beat down "40 hour iron man" (
capt's kevin gerrity and dave bender took chris seery of point pleasant with son's chris and kevin out for their annual canyon adventure. we decided to leave at midnight in order to capitalize on the early bigeye bite and turned the trip into an "iron man" 38 hour marathon. we arrived at the canyon at 5:15 am only to see a city of boats, not what we were hoping for, but we made the best of it. well, the plan worked out as at 630 the bridge rod goes screaming off.. my favorite sound ever! chris jr is on the rod and he does a fantastic job whipping this 175lb bigeye in 45 minutes on a standup 50. kevin grabs the leader, and silence, the crimp pulled. 100% my fault, it was a new lure that i rigged on thursday, totally my bad. i felt horrible to say the least as this was chris' first bigeye. i apologized 100 times but it wasn't enough. we trolled for the rest of the morning with me saying to kevin, numerous times..##&&!!! we had the bite. well, the man upstairs was good to us, at about 1pm we got a four banger and came tight on 3 fish, yup it was the wolf pack.. mayhem to say the least. first fish to the gaff was chris sr's he stayed on the rod the entire time, very impressive to say the least, next up chris jr, two in the box, kevins fish was a tough guy and refused to come in like the other two finally after about an hour and 45 minutes we had him boatside when the line went limp, my heart was in my throat. not again. well, unfortunately the hook had pulled, after a long battle the hole in the fishes mouth had simply gotten too big. we felt terrrible for kevin. back up on the troll we had another bite, a large yellowfin in the 70 lb class, a few minutes after that a longfin. we had some nice fishing, then another bite and it was a stubborn fish that kevin was on, we got him to the boat and it was a bigeye, not a brute like the other 160lber's but about 110lbs. what a run, we set up for another uneventful night and trolled saturday morning for hours and all we had to show for it was one longfin.. we headed for the barn with three bigeyes to 160lbs, a large yellowfin and two longfins.. what a trip...
Posted by jenny_lee ( at 03:58 ( | E ([action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=189)
seery family bigeye beat down "40 hour iron man" (
capt's kevin gerrity and dave bender took chris seery of point pleasant with son's chris and kevin out for their annual canyon adventure. we decided to leave at midnight in order to capitalize on the early bigeye bite and turned the trip into an "iron man" 38 hour marathon. we arrived at the canyon at 5:15 am only to see a city of boats, not what we were hoping for, but we made the best of it. well, the plan worked out as at 630 the bridge rod goes screaming off.. my favorite sound ever! chris jr is on the rod and he does a fantastic job whipping this 175lb bigeye in 45 minutes on a standup 50. kevin grabs the leader, and silence, the crimp pulled. 100% my fault, it was a new lure that i rigged on thursday, totally my bad. i felt horrible to say the least as this was chris' first bigeye. i apologized 100 times but it wasn't enough. we trolled for the rest of the morning with me saying to kevin, numerous times..##&&!!! we had the bite. well, the man upstairs was good to us, at about 1pm we got a four banger and came tight on 3 fish, yup it was the wolf pack.. mayhem to say the least. first fish to the gaff was chris sr's he stayed on the rod the entire time, very impressive to say the least, next up chris jr, two in the box, kevins fish was a tough guy and refused to come in like the other two finally after about an hour and 45 minutes we had him boatside when the line went limp, my heart was in my throat. not again. well, unfortunately the hook had pulled, after a long battle the hole in the fishes mouth had simply gotten too big. we felt terrrible for kevin. back up on the troll we had another bite, a large yellowfin in the 70 lb class, a few minutes after that a longfin. we had some nice fishing, then another bite and it was a stubborn fish that kevin was on, we got him to the boat and it was a bigeye, not a brute like the other 160lber's but about 110lbs. what a run, we set up for another uneventful night and trolled saturday morning for hours and all we had to show for it was one longfin.. we headed for the barn with three bigeyes to 160lbs, a large yellowfin and two longfins.. what a trip...
Posted by jenny_lee ( at 03:58 ( | E ([action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=189)