08-15-2013, 09:32 PM
Got an invite from Robbie from the fishermen to fish on the Jersey Key a charter boat from AH,we'll we steamed south to a couple pieces Capt Mike had lined up,the first piece held many fish and I'm talking about a 4 man limit:eek: we just kept repeating the same short drift over and over until we were throwing keepers back it was insane fishing,Mike,Andy his mate,Robbie,and I were fishing like it was a game as we searched for a 10lber on this tiny piece,it was so small but HELD FISH like you could not imagine,we banged them from the minute we got there with Robbie landing a 7lber on the first cast as we new we were in for an awesome day,the weather was fantastic,the drift was perfect and the fish cooperated all day. Well just a little note about the boat,it is a tank that rides like a caddy, very comfy with twin 250's that gets you to your destination in no time,Capt Mike knows fishing and has numbers to get you on the meat.I would recommend the JERSEY KEY if you are looking to do a 6 pk or a 4pk charter,awesome boat can't wait to do it again. Thanx Mike and Rob for makin it happen...
Got an invite from Robbie from the fishermen to fish on the Jersey Key a charter boat from AH,we'll we steamed south to a couple pieces Capt Mike had lined up,the first piece held many fish and I'm talking about a 4 man limit:eek: we just kept repeating the same short drift over and over until we were throwing keepers back it was insane fishing,Mike,Andy his mate,Robbie,and I were fishing like it was a game as we searched for a 10lber on this tiny piece,it was so small but HELD FISH like you could not imagine,we banged them from the minute we got there with Robbie landing a 7lber on the first cast as we new we were in for an awesome day,the weather was fantastic,the drift was perfect and the fish cooperated all day. Well just a little note about the boat,it is a tank that rides like a caddy, very comfy with twin 250's that gets you to your destination in no time,Capt Mike knows fishing and has numbers to get you on the meat.I would recommend the JERSEY KEY if you are looking to do a 6 pk or a 4pk charter,awesome boat can't wait to do it again. Thanx Mike and Rob for makin it happen...