Captain Cal II
08-14-2013, 05:43 PM
What a nice day on the water today, flat seas, warm temperatures , and a nice N.W. wind, sorry you missed fishing with us today because you would have seen the 78 lb. drum fish come over the rail, WOW what a big fish especially when you normally see only fluke or sea bass come over the rail. Guess what was used to catch the drum fish ?? Would you believe it was a "white spro". This was the second big drum fish we caught is the past couple of weeks, the other drum fish was about 76 lbs. and caught on a piece of "squid"... You should have been fishing with us today, then you would have seen Brian pull aboard his 6 lb. 8 oz. fluke, "nice fishing Brian".. We fished today along the beach, there was plenty of fish life and action, some had 4 keepers other had 1-3 keepers , some had shorts only, and also sea bass that we had to throw back. Tomorrow another nice day "JOIN US" WE LEAVE AT 7:30 AM . There might be a big drum fish waiting for your bait....