View Full Version : Mega-monthly R U kidding

Capt Joe
08-14-2013, 11:08 AM
August 14th and only a mini 7lb 6 oz Flattie winning the August monthly???:eek:
Will you be the new leader tomorrow?????:eek:
Do you "got" what it takes to beat Jon Chungs mini Fluke?????:eek:

Capt Ryan :D---- Jamaica II

Capt Joe
08-14-2013, 10:44 PM

Capt Joe
08-15-2013, 08:59 PM
HEH! New monthly leader from this afternoons trip(Thursday)

Dave Snyder Levittown, Pa with an 8.8 pound Fluke takes over the monthly lead.
Still.....8.8..... kinda small to win such a big prize....but...ya never know!!
Right Brucie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D