View Full Version : Trolling Etiquette
I know I am going to stir up the pot with this thread but it is not what it is meant to do.
I was out sharking in area monster/mud area yesterday left dock in dark and arrived at area and was first boat as it was just getting light. Trolled last 2 miles to where i wanted to start shark drift just looking for fresh bait.
Set up on drift for maybe half and hour and sure enough here comes the first boat of the day trolling directly for me. He literally trolled 30-40 feet off my back balloon right through my slick without any attention to me blowing the horn or standing on my gunnel trying to wave him to the other side of my boat. If I didnt want to waste a ten ounce sinker I would have threw one right at this guys boat. He was trolling alone and I can understand why no one wants to fish with this guy he was a complete ARS. Did it not only once but again later in day.
So for you that do not know the basic respect rules...
1- if you see someone sharking troll by on opposite side of slick if at all possible. (im not one of those guys that believe I own the ocean but at least give me some space behind my baits in slick)
2- If you see someone hooked up try not to troll right behind there boat the fish could be on top and you could cut them off.
3- dont cross to close behind boat he might have WWB that you dont see.
Not related to trolling please stop being Jackoffs on the radio if it is a slow day you may think your funny but in reality it just makes you look like an arshole. people are laughing at you not with you. An occasional joke is one thing but just making stupid comments is another.
08-12-2013, 12:00 PM
What kind of boat was it, happened to us in the same general area
dont worry about stirring the pot..its all good thats what the message boards are for..
Ol Pedro
08-12-2013, 01:12 PM
DMac , I guess that you haven't been Striper jigging in the Fall . A lot of trollers seem to think that they have the right of way . They don't realize that it's Trawler not Troller . Some guys are always going to be jerks and crowd you regardless . Did you try hailing the offending boat on 16 ?
Capt. Debbie
08-12-2013, 01:22 PM
People do that intentionally, play dumb trying to exploit your slick. They will NEVER answer on 16, or just play dumb when they do.
It's gamesmanship. Most boaters are clueless idiots and no one matter but them.
Posting thing on this site will get you nothing but agreement.
I fact they may go after you if everyone is anchored and you (albeit there first) drifted ( the best way to cover a spot anyway). I was anchored once sharking on some idiot passed within 50 feet of my gunwale adrift. I felt like doing a horizontally fired pyrotechnic operablility test to light up the dumb bas*ard.
It will happen and happen and happen.
DMac , I guess that you haven't been Striper jigging in the Fall . A lot of trollers seem to think that they have the right of way . They don't realize that it's Trawler not Troller . Some guys are always going to be jerks and crowd you regardless . Did you try hailing the offending boat on 16 ?
08-12-2013, 01:49 PM
How did you guys do at Monsters this weekend?
We were fishing the Oil Wreck Area and saw about 5 Hammerheads nothing else.
Hooked and released a pup about a hundred lbs.
Had about 1000 mackerel in my slick caught about 60 and brought them home to freeze.
Something was floating at us.. I thawt it was a kyak. LOL.
Turned out to be a dead porpoise with no tail.. Looked like it was so filled with gas it was going to explode.
Released pup mako, tiger shark 6-61/2 foot and 3 brown sharks. actually successfully got 4of 5 hooks back too using arc dehooker.
It had my blood boiling once maybe a mistake but come on he did the same thing to me hour later.
If it would have been a tournament I would have really been pissed. Some people cant fish and should just pay one of our fine sponsors to take them instead of owning a boat and messing up others days.
What kind of boat was it, happened to us in the same general area
I believe it was a regulator or one with very similar lines. my far bait i fish back pretty far so couldnt read name of boat, and i believe it was fighting lady yellow hull. Guy by himself for obvious reasons he was a douche
Mikey topaz
08-12-2013, 03:53 PM
Was out there yest in the ap area trolling noticed a guy sharkin saw the baloons and right away looked to see which way drift was going to make sure i didnt run though his slick just give em the space guys ( common courtesy)
08-12-2013, 04:06 PM
Released pup mako, tiger shark 6-61/2 foot and 3 brown sharks. actually successfully got 4of 5 hooks back too using arc dehooker.
It had my blood boiling once maybe a mistake but come on he did the same thing to me hour later.
If it would have been a tournament I would have really been pissed. Some people cant fish and should just pay one of our fine sponsors to take them instead of owning a boat and messing up others days.
WoW.. Lot of action.. i should have went the extra 11 Miles.
figured Sharks were there.. why move... Eh..... Next time.
My Retreat
08-12-2013, 04:34 PM
Most of you know or thinking, it was done intentionally!! He was trolling across your slick to pull a fish out of your slick. I wouldn't give this guy credit of being a novice and he knew exactly what he was doing. Novice fishermen don't go 25+ mile by themselves trolling.
Like other posts, it will always happen from time to time.
Joey Dah Fish
08-12-2013, 05:51 PM
Well Cap as I always say. You can't fixed stupid. You are right on with your post. But I think I would have invested the money on the 10 oz sinker.
Most of you know or thinking, it was done intentionally!! He was trolling across your slick to pull a fish out of your slick. I wouldn't give this guy credit of being a novice and he knew exactly what he was doing. Novice fishermen don't go 25+ mile by themselves trolling.
Like other posts, it will always happen from time to time.
This guys was a novice anyone who is pumping wad of weeds he got on lure like he was fighting mahi or something is a novice I watched him do it thought he hooked up in slick second time but instead he just pulled up bunch of grass and if he wanted to trole my slick right he would have turned and trolled down my slick not just across it at 90 degrees. 90 degree across it right behind my far bit is just stupid If he would have turned and trolled down my slick then it would have made sense
Well Cap as I always say. You can't fixed stupid. You are right on with your post. But I think I would have invested the money on the 10 oz sinker.
I had it in hand but wasnt sure i wanted to throw my arm out LOL
plus it wasnt worth it as much of a ars as he was no need to take it out on the boat it wasnt the boats fault the guy was an dbag.
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