View Full Version : BOUNTY HUNTER - Blues With Don & Emily Beshada, 8/11

Bounty Hunter
08-12-2013, 04:46 AM
We had Don Beshada and his daughter Emily out for a few hours today. Emily has done well catching her first Striper, Fluke, Seabass & Tog on the Bounty Hunter so we wanted to see how she would do on her first ever Bluefish effort. It's obvious the youngster has the moves as she jigged a couple of dozen Blues with no effort. After an hour of C & R we headed inshore to try for some Fluke. It was slow fishing but Don & Emily managed 2 Keepers and several shorts. By 11AM we called it a day and headed for home to enjoy the Cup Cakes Emily baked the night before.. It's always a fun day when we have Don & Emily on board. Their next trip is scheduled for Friday. :) :) :)

08-12-2013, 06:25 AM
I'm jealous, no charter ever baked me cupcakes. Very nice job of decorating. Not only can she fish, but she is creative.

08-12-2013, 06:48 AM
Way to catch em up Capt. Paul and Tony.