View Full Version : LBI Fishing/ crabbing info needed
08-11-2013, 10:53 PM
Me and the family are heading to Surf City next week. Looking to bring my girls (3 and 5) crabbing. How has the crabbing been? Also any small snappers in the bay that can be caught from the bulk heads? Looking for some action for my girls.
I plan on hitting a party boat or 2 for some fluke. As going to attempt the surf. Never caught anything from the surf. Any pointers will be appreciated.
08-12-2013, 08:02 AM
Everything is in full swing right now. You can catch fluke or small blues over by the inlet, crabbing is good. Kingfish in the surf and plenty of rays if you want to horse something in.
08-12-2013, 03:24 PM
Live down here year round. Can't attest to crabbing but there are spot in the bay and can be caught off most of the bulkheads. Fish bites clams or bloodworms will get you some fish. In the surf it's kingfish and spot though not as hot and heavy as last year. Very early am can also give you a shot at a fluke or 2. Party boat fluking has slowed a bit but still worth a try either end of the island. Remember surf city just got new sand pumped on the beach.
08-14-2013, 05:41 PM
What type of tackle should I get for the spot? Anything in particular?
08-14-2013, 09:24 PM
I'm down here now. Clams or fish bites work great for Spot. The pier in Ship bottom is good for snappers, spot or crabs. Have fun
08-15-2013, 06:30 AM
South end of the island is loaded with brown sharks, you can pick up getto shark rigs at the headquarters when you come on the island. Chunk bunker for bait. They also will tell you where to fish/ crab on the bayside. The barni inlet has a load of blackfish along the rocks right now along with blufish and fluke.
08-15-2013, 07:27 AM
pretied spot rigs can be bought at any tackle shop down here. In the bay use light or ultralight rod for the most fun. In the surf 7 - 8' spinning rod is plenty to handle the kings/spots.
08-15-2013, 08:38 AM
I agree with everything that has been said. I will only add that when I was there last year we were catching spot like crazy in the surf while trying to find kings and had one come in half eaten. I suggest having a rig ready to go for blue fish if you have this happen or think about live lining spot and let that sit out there while you continue to find other fish in the surf. I even caught a short fluke on fish bites last year.
08-15-2013, 09:45 PM
I live down in beach haven west, all kinds of fish are being caught now.I fish the beach from 5 till when ever and start off catching kings and spot when it gets dark use ur spot and king heads for brownies,sand tigers and rays..WHATCH UR ROD.The inlet has been yielding stripers on bucktails as well as fluke.The jetty is producing blackies,triggers and small c-bass.
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