View Full Version : SWABC Tourney Second Place Finish - Johnny Bucktails

Johnny Bucktails
08-11-2013, 04:56 PM
Decided last minute to fish to SWABC Tournament and i am glad we did. On board was The lip, Shamrock Eddie, and I. It was a day i will never forget. Started off the day with a very slow bite. I made plenty of moves and adjustments until i found the right size fish. Around 11 o'clock i smacked a fish that showed just over 6 pounds on the boga grip. To be honest i didn't think it would have done anything but it was a very slow bite the whole day. I heard that it was slow for many so we had hope. Went back up on drift and got a another 6 pounder on the dot. Went up on the piece again and had another 6 pounder on the dot. 3 nice fish in a very short time but could not manage any monsters later on in the day. Turned the radio on and heard that 6 pounds even was 1st so far so we decided to weigh in early and it was the right choice. Left the weigh station in first place with the official weight at 6.8 pounds and when we got back to the dock i got the call. There were two weigh stations. One in twin lights which is where we weighed in and one down south. When i got the call we had won first in our weigh in but in the other weigh first place was also 6.8 pounds !!!!! Two fish at 6.8 pounds but i was told that his was half an inch BIGGER so he got first !!!!!! GIVE ME A BRAKE. :eek: He was also in both of the Calcutta's. Rules are rules but i always thought that first to the scales in a tie gets the win. In the rules he showed us that the longer fish gets the win. No problem. I was very happy to get second place and so was the lip and eddie. It was the lip and I's first time placing in a tourney and i hope this i just one of many. I had a great day on the water with the lip and EDMISTER. Eddies fish wasn't too far behind mine. Congratulations to who ever took first. Hard work pays off ps: i caught it on my pink bucktail. :D SECOND PLACE BABY

tight lines - Johnny Bucktails

http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/John_Contello/1002488_720782354603718_1274187492_n_zpsc15d9ab8.j pg (http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/John_Contello/media/1002488_720782354603718_1274187492_n_zpsc15d9ab8.j pg.html)

http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/John_Contello/1149015_720844911264129_963249617_n_zpse97c714a.jp g (http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/John_Contello/media/1149015_720844911264129_963249617_n_zpse97c714a.jp g.html)

Art Berkman
08-11-2013, 05:17 PM
Good Stuff Johnny & Crew !!!

Congrats Guys !!!

Rob B
08-11-2013, 06:54 PM
nice job. as long as you finish in the money u cant complain.

broken bobber
08-11-2013, 07:44 PM
U have just learned a valuable lesson, one that u will hear again.... Size DOES Matter...... oh and if you plant ice you will harvest wind:)

Also... i like the rule..... would rather be beaten by a bigger fish than someone who decided to give up or pack it in early.... also with multiple weigh stations there are many factors in the weigh in time.... example - what if u weighed in at Belmar but had to wait 5 extra minutes for the stuck train bridge or there was a 5 boat line but in SH it was pull right up and weigh......

08-12-2013, 12:20 AM
Congrats on the win.

08-12-2013, 04:52 AM
Nice day overall 3 fish over 6 another over 5 but came up 1/2" short story of my life lol:D . I actually thought we planned the weigh in correct pulled out of the weigh station close to 4:30 we were hoping to hit one more drift on the way in but current was cranking. Fun to fish with JB and The Lip also nice seeing so many friends on the water.

We got into this one last minute so we missed the captains meeting where the rules were explained about any tiebreaker so from my past experiences I felt if a small fish was going to win it we should get it on the scale first. Knew it had a shot for our area when I seen a few teams working hard as time was running out.

Bobber your right the kid learned a lot today and was just excited to have a fish to weigh in, Its good to see that energy and excitement it made not winning almost feel as good as winning. ALMOST :mad:

broken bobber
08-12-2013, 10:43 AM
gotta read the rules Ed.... they were printed right on the form someone from your team signed... I noticed someone, not from your boat, crying how ya's got ripped off..... Not the case bro.....

nothing wrong with second....still winning..... look at all the boats ya finished in front of.... Good Job

Johnny Bucktails
08-13-2013, 09:42 PM
broken bobber- AHAHAHHA i like that one and so did the lip. Nice hearing these nice things from one of the best. Thank you very much

Eddie always a pleasure, well get that first place. Still winning though like bobber said

MVP- thanks pal

Rob B- thank you, absolutely

Art- thank man !!!!

08-14-2013, 07:57 AM
Great job - kiddo - you are a machine - 2nd place - :D
