Johnny Bucktails
08-11-2013, 04:56 PM
Decided last minute to fish to SWABC Tournament and i am glad we did. On board was The lip, Shamrock Eddie, and I. It was a day i will never forget. Started off the day with a very slow bite. I made plenty of moves and adjustments until i found the right size fish. Around 11 o'clock i smacked a fish that showed just over 6 pounds on the boga grip. To be honest i didn't think it would have done anything but it was a very slow bite the whole day. I heard that it was slow for many so we had hope. Went back up on drift and got a another 6 pounder on the dot. Went up on the piece again and had another 6 pounder on the dot. 3 nice fish in a very short time but could not manage any monsters later on in the day. Turned the radio on and heard that 6 pounds even was 1st so far so we decided to weigh in early and it was the right choice. Left the weigh station in first place with the official weight at 6.8 pounds and when we got back to the dock i got the call. There were two weigh stations. One in twin lights which is where we weighed in and one down south. When i got the call we had won first in our weigh in but in the other weigh first place was also 6.8 pounds !!!!! Two fish at 6.8 pounds but i was told that his was half an inch BIGGER so he got first !!!!!! GIVE ME A BRAKE. :eek: He was also in both of the Calcutta's. Rules are rules but i always thought that first to the scales in a tie gets the win. In the rules he showed us that the longer fish gets the win. No problem. I was very happy to get second place and so was the lip and eddie. It was the lip and I's first time placing in a tourney and i hope this i just one of many. I had a great day on the water with the lip and EDMISTER. Eddies fish wasn't too far behind mine. Congratulations to who ever took first. Hard work pays off ps: i caught it on my pink bucktail. :D SECOND PLACE BABY
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tight lines - Johnny Bucktails pg ( pg.html) g ( g.html)