View Full Version : jenny lee day trip 8/6/13

jenny lee sportfishing
08-07-2013, 07:21 AM
capt's jimmy gahm and dave bender took carol and stu allen back out on a day trip tuesday august 6th,2013.
unlike our last trip we were greeted by flat calm seas, upon our arrival to the hudson canyon we had several friends who had overnighted and the fishing was not good at all, but we were going to make the best of it. we found an abundance of life, finbacks, pilot whales, and porpoise and trolled within acres of them. the scene could have been on the discovery channel, carol and stu were amazed to say the least. out first bite was our first wahoo of the 2013 season and that at least told us that we were in good clean water. not too long after that we had a second bite and stu boated a 50 lb yellowfin. little did we know that would be it for us, and pretty much everyone else. there were only a handful of bites and it was hard to belive in all that life. we discussed running inside to catch a few bluefins, but coming off the monster blue and bigeye the previous week, the alllen's voted to stick it out in the canyon and just bask in the sun and life that we were fishing in.
the allen's are avid fly fisherman and leave for the north woods of maine in september, they just appreciate being offshore and relish the experience, we will see carol and stu again next week for their over night trip, we will steam to parts unknown to find them a better trip.


Posted by jenny_lee (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/authors/1-jenny_lee) at 04:03 (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/index.php?/archives/184-unknown.html) | Edit entry (http://www.jennyleesportfishing.com/blog/serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=184)


08-07-2013, 11:37 AM
thanks for the report Captain.. scratched out 2 great fish