View Full Version : Paramount Monday Marathon

08-05-2013, 09:06 PM
Went out on a beautiful day. Fluke bite was hot. Could only catch 5 snappers, and had a 19" keeper, 2 a hair under and 2 14"ers. Saw at least 3 keepers come up off the JII between the 6 guys bucktailing. Unfortunately this was the highlight of my day. Could only catch short sea bass while some guys had 6 or 7 keepers. Saw a 60-70 ft Finback Whale which was cool. A move deeper brought a pretty good pick of ling. I wound up with my keeper fluke and 15 ling, along with 2 16" winter flounder thrown back. Pool winner was a 4lb sea bass and he also had 15 ling. 92yo Sam Cohen had a keeper sea bass and a half a score of ling. One Asian gentleman near me had 7 keeper sea bass and at least 10 ling. Back at the dock, I tried fluking again, only had 2 12"ers but had a 20" striper on the bare jighead on the bottom of my sabiki rig.

Blackfish Doug
08-05-2013, 09:13 PM
If you stayed dockside you probably would have limited LOL:D Still not a bad day anyway for you I got to get out & croaker fish with you.

08-05-2013, 09:48 PM
Went out on a beautiful day. Saw a 60-70 ft Finback Whale which was cool.

Seeing a large whale and catching a few fish:cool: Fishing on the Paramount is always a great experience. Great report, thanks.

08-06-2013, 07:36 PM
If you stayed dockside you probably would have limited LOL:D Still not a bad day anyway for you I got to get out & croaker fish with you.

A good shot at 2 or 3, 5 is probably pushing it unless I had a livewell to keep a bunch of snappers and fished 3 rods at a time..*L*