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View Full Version : Reel Class Monday 8/5 Fluke Limits +

Reel Class
08-05-2013, 06:22 PM
Ran our open FTYP today with Fred, Larry, John, and Doug. Ran back to where we had them this weekend.

Brisk wind this morning HARD NW made for a fast drift, but it was nice n cool which was nice for a change. We started out picking a bit, but it was slow b/c the drift was a tad too fast.

Once the wind backed off we bounced around some rockpiles and slowly picked away. We had a few real nice flurries and the box filled up as we just worked our way around all day long. Some shorts, but most of our keepers were again "NMR's" and most were in that 20-24" range with a few in the 18-20" range also. Big fish went to Doug with a 23" 4# fluke, Larry had 8 keepers, John had his limit, and Doug and Fred each wound up with 4 while Kenny and I each put a few in the box.

Wound up with the crew's limit + some extra and a nice seabass. Real nice trip even though it was a grind at times, another one with a couple dozen quality keepers +... The good fishing continues! Still got room for Thursday (if weather cooperates!)

08-06-2013, 07:19 AM
Great job By Captian Allen! It was a grind at times. Thank the fluking gods for those quick flurries and the wind finally shutting down enough to get a decent drift. Good day with a great bunch of guy's. Kenny was on the money as always working the deck. If you want a great boat with a great crew jump on the Reel Class!!! They will put you on the fish!!! :D