View Full Version : shark ID

08-05-2013, 06:32 PM
I know its not nj, but yesterday I was fluking in in the back of Gardiners bay in long Island, where at least i thought sharks don't really go but now I guess not. I caught a sea robin and stripped it up for bait and threw the carcass in the water and about a minute later, a shark, about 4 ft started hanging around my boat all day (probably because I was feeding it my bi catch of live sea robin and porgys:rolleyes: ) but the really strange thing is that it was in 20 ft of water in a bay. people told me it was most likely a sand shark, but ive caught hundreds of those things and it was no sand shark, It was much more sporty looking. I tried to take a picture but the glare made it hard. I know the information is vague, but does anybody know what it could be.

08-05-2013, 06:48 PM
Brown or Dusky shark maybe

08-05-2013, 07:08 PM
I have my money on Brown shark... This is the time of year they are abundant. :)

Reel Class
08-05-2013, 07:12 PM

hopefully not a bull :eek:

08-05-2013, 07:12 PM
Dusky Shark

08-05-2013, 09:11 PM
Dusky Shark
yep. that's exactly what it looked like. I was thinking it was either a brown or dusky.

08-06-2013, 01:08 PM
I know its not nj, but yesterday I was fluking in in the back of Gardiners bay in long Island, where at least i thought sharks don't really go but now I guess not. I caught a sea robin and stripped it up for bait and threw the carcass in the water and about a minute later, a shark, about 4 ft started hanging around my boat all day (probably because I was feeding it my bi catch of live sea robin and porgys:rolleyes: ) but the really strange thing is that it was in 20 ft of water in a bay. people told me it was most likely a sand shark, but ive caught hundreds of those things and it was no sand shark, It was much more sporty looking. I tried to take a picture but the glare made it hard. I know the information is vague, but does anybody know what it could be.

let me know where you will be drifting next so I can hang around for that bicatch!