View Full Version : marina in Keyport?

08-05-2013, 09:29 AM
Can someone recommend a marina in Keyport?
I don't mind being on the otherside of the bridge - got a small boat.


shrimpman steve
08-05-2013, 09:41 AM
I got a season pass at kmb.

Have had no problems there. I have a 19 footer

08-05-2013, 10:33 AM
Keyport Marina is good, also Wagners. ( across from each other on other side of bridge) We were in Wagners for probably 15 years, until we moved boat down to Manasquan. Im not sure of their status since the storm, but they were always great guys and honest people. They allowed outsiders to come in and work on boats, as long as they checked in, with proper insurance and all. They could have taken us for a ride on a repair once, everybody was saying it was one thing, they found trouble for 1/10 the cost!!! We were all ready to pay for the repair we thought it was. ( that right there, said a lot about them to me).

Good luck, both are good marinas, in my book. :)