Johnny Bucktails
08-02-2013, 10:29 PM
Left the dock with the Lip around 8:30 in search of some quality fluke so we would know when to come to tomorrow for the tournament. We did a fair share of scouting using about half a tank of gas but i found them, and i found them good. Within a hour and a half the lip and i limited out with 2 fluke at 7 pounds, 2 at 5 pounds and the rest were just very quality keepers. The two 7 pounders came at the exact same second. The lip and i hooked up at the same second. We will be there bright and early for the tournament tomorrow and hopefully we will try our best to put a catch together. We have shamrock eddie joining us so i have someone to gaff my fish. lol tomorrow is looking beautiful, well just have to wait and see. Nice to see many of you at the captains meeting tonight.
Tight lines- Johnny Bucktails g ( g.html)
Tight lines- Johnny Bucktails g ( g.html)