View Full Version : Monday Angler fluking

07-30-2013, 12:04 AM
Beautiful day on the water with nice quality fluke and seabass. Most fish were caught different spots in the Ambrose Channel. The West Bank also supplied some keepers first thing in the morning. You couldn't ask for better drifting conditions all day. I held bottom with 3-4 oz. jigs all day in the deep water. That doesn't happen too often. I ended up catching 21 fluke with only one keeper and a 2 1/2 lb. seabass. I was off my mark today missing too many fish. The captain and mates were top shelf. The fishermen around me where seasoned and experienced which made the trip less aggravating.

07-30-2013, 06:27 AM
Nice day. I had one 19 inch keeper early and a lot of shorts. Lots of tangles today for a light crowd. I quess it was from power drifting to hold the edge of the channel but lines were going every which way.