07-29-2013, 02:56 PM
Fished with Stelli, Alex MVP and WayneO ! We left Sea Bright early to make it to Point for the check in. Broke the inlet and ran to the slight north and east. Had a quick bight on the first drift and figured it was going to be good but it slowly rapidly as everyone started to show. Lost a nice fish early and never could get a good bight going. Got outta dodge and made a run north to some numbers. First drift produced a 5.5lbr and some nice keepers. Second drift lost a nice fish and again the bight slowed. Moved around a bit and couldn't find anything but keepers. Moved back to first spot with the south wind kicking and Stelli says if your gunna do it today do it know since we are outta time and gotta run hard to make it. Well one that note i got hit and knew it was a follower. Two more bumps and he inhales it. Rod bent over and i look at Stelli and say get the net and start the motors while your at it. He looks at me like I'm crazy. I then yell to WayneO to get the hell off the bow we gotta go. As the fish hits the surface and Stelli at the net "omg" ...It now hits the deck and we are all just looking at it. I said we gotta go lets go. Stelli goes wait we have time for one more drift and i laugh and said get the F outta here. Measure the fish on the tape and in the cooler it goes. Now the debate is if its big enough. Is it 8lbs and i say "yes" now go... Than a pause and "does anyone have a scale. OMG really , after i bogga grip it at just over 8lbs i said now can we go? WayneO and Alex are like I can't believe you just caught that fish. Me Ran hard as balls and made it to weigh ins with 5 mins to spare. Up at the scale we already new Kris had an 8.2lb'r and when ours hit the scale I just laughed. Tied with Fish Stix !!!! What a great thrill at the end of a tough day. Thanks to all and thanks to Kris.