View Full Version : Deal Surf Report 7/27: Good Deal!

07-27-2013, 09:01 AM
Well, I took a quick trip off of Phillips Ave this morning. The water cooled nicely after that NE wind from Thursday, and it looked good for some resident Bass prowling in the Surf.

I had a nice window of opportunity, and fished the south side with the ESE swell making a nice rip. I managed a 28 incher to the rocks on a Chartruse Bomber. Caught, a quick photo, and released on its way.

Nice morning. Nice to mix it up in the summer!


07-27-2013, 11:40 PM
Sup man, not a bad fighter u got there..Hey listen I been goin down to deal below Phillips on the L jetty I call it that's filled inbetween the rocks w/ creete.. neways I got a few nice fluke outta their but im still kinda new to surf fishin.. deff. no amature fisherman at all as far as fishin but learnin my way round the surf..maby one weekend we could meet up in fish a while I could use the advie man be much appreciated.. plz let me know.. thanx man..

07-28-2013, 11:30 AM
good job Ben!

bunker dunker
07-29-2013, 01:23 PM
Nice Fish Snapper!!!!!!keep Up The Catching

07-30-2013, 11:21 AM
I went back on Sunday, in the morning and afternoon, for a bit. I found nice bar in the afternoon with a really nice rip from the past few tides on the north side of Phillips', right near the beginning of the jetty. That southeast swell and south wind on that day really pushed and displaced the water forcefully along those bars including that particular one.

In the morning, a 3lb Blue and some Fluke were to be had on the south side of Phillips' and its correlating stretch, including a 19 incher that hit the Bomber and eventually squirmed out of my hands after being unhooked.

In the afternoon, I fished that productive looking rip and found a bunch of Fluke(including another keeper that squirmed out of my hands) and 2 fiesty schooly Bass up to 20 or so inches.

Good action. I will take it!


07-30-2013, 11:30 AM
Well, I took a quick trip off of Phillips Ave this morning. The water cooled nicely after that NE wind from Thursday, and it looked good for some resident Bass prowling in the Surf.

I had a nice window of opportunity, and fished the south side with the ESE swell making a nice rip. I managed a 28 incher to the rocks on a Chartruse Bomber. Caught, a quick photo, and released on its way.

Nice morning. Nice to mix it up in the summer!


hanging out with them Leaves to much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice job kid :)

07-30-2013, 02:30 PM
hey snapper,

what type of set up were you using for the fluke and bass? were you switching rigs or were they both hitting the same chartreuse bomber? thats pretty neat i've never caught a fluke without casting something that was sitting on the bottom.


07-30-2013, 05:24 PM
I went back on Sunday, in the morning and afternoon, for a bit. I found nice bar in the afternoon with a really nice rip from the past few tides on the north side of Phillips', right near the beginning of the jetty. That southeast swell and south wind on that day really pushed and displaced the water forcefully along those bars including that particular one.

In the morning, a 3lb Blue and some Fluke were to be had on the south side of Phillips' and its correlating stretch, including a 19 incher that hit the Bomber and eventually squirmed out of my hands after being unhooked.

In the afternoon, I fished that productive looking rip and found a bunch of Fluke(including another keeper that squirmed out of my hands) and 2 fiesty schooly Bass up to 20 or so inches.

Good action. I will take it!

I was on the jetty Sunday afternoon 5-9pm may have seen you i got some fluke.. all the fluke had snappers in there mouths or were spitting them up..Guy next to me was doing good with live snappers;) thats whats gonna get you a big fluke out there right now

07-31-2013, 08:16 PM
I was on the jetty Sunday afternoon 5-9pm may have seen you i got some fluke.. all the fluke had snappers in there mouths or were spitting them up..Guy next to me was doing good with live snappers;) thats whats gonna get you a big fluke out there right now

Hey Mike. I saw you 2 nights there, sunday and friday. Nice job on the Bass Friday night, as it seemed you banged them up after I left the Jetty(being pissed off from that swell).


08-01-2013, 12:07 PM
hey snapper,

what type of set up were you using for the fluke and bass? were you switching rigs or were they both hitting the same chartreuse bomber? thats pretty neat i've never caught a fluke without casting something that was sitting on the bottom.


The rig is a simple teaser rig. I use 25lb mono leader with a 130lb Spro Swivel and a teaser of any choice.

Here is the layout.

1. Improved clinch knot to swivel.

2. About 5-7 inches below swivel, a 4-5 inch kiwi loop with loop through the eye of the teaser hook.

3. 14-16 inches below kiwi loop either direct tie to lure of choice or tie to a snap(crosslook snaps are my favorite, 70-90lb. Owner has some really nice ones out now). Tie with a improved clinch knot for both choices.

Dats it! Keep it simple.

In regards to the fluke, often I fish the sandbar edges parallel to the beach or from the jetty. Especially when you are on the beach, once you lure passes onto the sides of the jetty where the current dissipates from a deeper edge or extending jetty rock, a fish is ususally there in wait. The same goes for a sand bar in down on one of the stretches. These parts of the surf are at the most 5-8ft(tide dependant) and give up the most action from 2-5 ft of water. Both do vary on both the timing of the tides, moon, time of day, wind, water temperature, and a few other factors. Be observant!