jenny lee sportfishing
07-22-2013, 07:45 AM
Monday, July 22. 2013
road trip! washington canyon via cape may (!-washington-canyon-via-cape-may.html)
after all the great reports from the washington canyon we, shoved off monday july 15th at 2pm with a crew of capt jimmy gahm, capt kevin gerrity, capt sean carton, paul skuby , ken rastell and capt dave bender. we arrived at cape may a 6pm topped off and headed out to the washington. as soon as we stopped we had small yellowfin under the boat and caught and released all but a few, we had hoped for some bigger fish but we thought perhaps we would see some bigger ones tuesday night, as were were staying till wednesday morning. up on the troll on tuesday we aught a few more of the small yellowfins and had 2 very nice white marlin releases that sean and kenny both fought. after a very long day as the sun was setting we finally got the bite we had come for, a huge bigeye had crashed our spread and took a ton of line,kenny finlly was able to stop the fish, but as luck would have it, we were out so far another boat had cut us off.###** that point we set up on the chunk and again had the small yellows chewing, at nights end we did keep 5 up to 30pounds. back on the troll wednesday morning we had one rod in the water and i was putting out the bridge rod when it got ripped out of my hand, bigeye! kenny cleared his rob but got bit on the way in, he landed a fifty pound yellowfin, leaving sean to land a nice 175 bigeye.. yes! after high fives we put em back in and about an hour later a huge hole was in our spread and he was on, this time capt jimmy had the honors, 45 minutes later we had a 200 pounder in the boat. we gave it another hour but no bites we headed back to cape may to top off again and head back to squan with 6 yellwfin to 50lbs, two bigeyes, and two white marlin releases, it was a great trip with great friends.
Posted by jenny_lee ( at 04:13 (!-washington-canyon-via-cape-may.html) | Edit entry ([action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=180)
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road trip! washington canyon via cape may (!-washington-canyon-via-cape-may.html)
after all the great reports from the washington canyon we, shoved off monday july 15th at 2pm with a crew of capt jimmy gahm, capt kevin gerrity, capt sean carton, paul skuby , ken rastell and capt dave bender. we arrived at cape may a 6pm topped off and headed out to the washington. as soon as we stopped we had small yellowfin under the boat and caught and released all but a few, we had hoped for some bigger fish but we thought perhaps we would see some bigger ones tuesday night, as were were staying till wednesday morning. up on the troll on tuesday we aught a few more of the small yellowfins and had 2 very nice white marlin releases that sean and kenny both fought. after a very long day as the sun was setting we finally got the bite we had come for, a huge bigeye had crashed our spread and took a ton of line,kenny finlly was able to stop the fish, but as luck would have it, we were out so far another boat had cut us off.###** that point we set up on the chunk and again had the small yellows chewing, at nights end we did keep 5 up to 30pounds. back on the troll wednesday morning we had one rod in the water and i was putting out the bridge rod when it got ripped out of my hand, bigeye! kenny cleared his rob but got bit on the way in, he landed a fifty pound yellowfin, leaving sean to land a nice 175 bigeye.. yes! after high fives we put em back in and about an hour later a huge hole was in our spread and he was on, this time capt jimmy had the honors, 45 minutes later we had a 200 pounder in the boat. we gave it another hour but no bites we headed back to cape may to top off again and head back to squan with 6 yellwfin to 50lbs, two bigeyes, and two white marlin releases, it was a great trip with great friends.
Posted by jenny_lee ( at 04:13 (!-washington-canyon-via-cape-may.html) | Edit entry ([action]=admin&serendipity[adminModule]=entries&serendipity[adminAction]=edit&serendipity[id]=180)
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