View Full Version : Fish Monger Boat Limit with QUALITY fish!

Capt. JJ
07-21-2013, 07:13 PM
Started the day with Jerry making the call at the dock to go fluking, instead of trolling for giants at Stellwagon, as the trip up and back would only allow for 20 minutes of trolling, in total. That was, indeed, a good call. Jerry also informed us that he and John were trying out for a new Television reality show called "Wicked Spro Jiggers with Chartreuse Gulp". Imagine Jerry as the new Snookie!!!!!


I was joined on the trip by Scott (Flukinator), Pat (Are we there yet?), George (GDubya), and Evan and Brad (sorry guys...Im not sure if you have really cool board nicknames like Flukinator and Are We There Yet)....

Headed left once out the inlet and proceeded to the no-so-secret spot.

Literally. Not so secret. At one point early on.....we were the only boat drifting for miles, and lo and behold, a second boat drove right up to our bow, practically engaging in inter-boat sexual relations with the Monger it was so damned close!!! Naturally, Jerry was his perfectly calm self, and welcomed the second boat with open arms to our drift, even offering the captain of the other boat assistance and advice with what to do with his spros, and where to put them.

Anyways.....GDubya nailed the dollar bill first fish and had a hot early hand. We all picked away at quality fish with many 4 pounders hitting the deck, and the fish were packed in very tight pockets....ya had to work non-stop but if you did, it paid off. Pat and Flukinator nailed brutes about an hour in, and Brad and I tailed the pack....We hit our crew limit about noon, and continued on for the full boat limit but it took a bit longer and more wiggles were required to different depths. Brad came on fire in the last 2 hours, Pat nailed the dollar bill final fish, and all in all, we had a blast.

Great group of guys with a lot of laughs and buckets of gulp......

Also want to report that no sea bass or cigarettes were harmed during the making of this charter.....no baits were checked....no rail spots were mugged....no crotches were grabbed....and all bluefin were released except for the the 92" beauty that grabbed a chicken rig with a 12 ounce sinker.


07-22-2013, 07:05 AM
Ha. Nice report. Isn't 'Fish Monger' and 'boat limit' redundant?

07-22-2013, 07:37 AM
Monger Nation does it again.

07-22-2013, 09:06 AM
he would have to gain 80lbs to be the new snooki, nice work guys

07-22-2013, 11:30 AM
"Also want to report that no sea bass or cigarettes were harmed during the making of this charter.....no baits were checked....no rail spots were mugged....no crotches were grabbed....JJ[/QUOTE]

I was on the boat and BTW - No baits were checked- that i can guarantee - rail spots -, no crotches were grabbed - dont know about the crotches thing - I saw what I saw and heard what I heard , what happens on the water I guess stays on the water and stays within the family ???

Captain Jerry was awesome today and the anger management calsses really paid off after the googan who dropped on us so close I think the boat got an STD - lucky for us we went right around them and caught fish immediatley and watched them bring up Steve - Robins - :D - very gratifying .

Great day on the water nice meeting everyone and putting faces to njfishy names . Great fishing with the Monger boyz once again . Thank you Joe for the invite and glad I could fill in . Great cast of characters too

Jerry you are one of the best out there and worked for years to get you were you are now - never let anyone take that away from you . You put in more than your time on the water and that is why you constantly catch and produce fish.
Proud to say it was the first Monger Boat Fluke limit of the year and I was part of it .

Had a great day and BTW the small angry mate on the Norma-K taught me how to fluke fish about 20 years ago believe it or not .

As far as Snooki goes - I like you too much to even put you in that category even though you and the "Snooki" listen to the same music and she is a little taller - Freestyle anyone ????


Evan F.
07-22-2013, 12:37 PM
Great report. Mostly accurate with the exception of the denials. Great day on the water with a great bunch of guys! Thanks JJ for the spot and outstanding job Jerry and John.


07-22-2013, 12:55 PM
Guys, thanks for sharing the VERY colorful report. I can only imagine. Nice job on the limit. Comparing the Captain to Snooki???? Might be crossing the line, I never saw her in one of his button down shirts:D ......,,I dunno!?!?