View Full Version : Elks Fluke Tournament role call

07-19-2013, 05:22 AM
A week away from the tourney and looking to see the heavy hitters and sharpies who are fishing the tourney. I've lined up a few sailing on FISH STIX with my buddy Kenny AKA The Fluke slayer, Ed "Tsunami" from the board, and Scotty who flukes like no other. Good luck to all who are entered and be safe! Looking forward to seeing many of you at the Elks afterwards, ......preferably with the winner's check in my hands.....:D ;)

07-19-2013, 06:20 AM
Hi Sharky,

I might let you hold the check for a while if you buy me a beer or two. The Monger team of the Shrimpman, Socks, and the Jersey Boys are looking to repeat. We will be out there on the water giving it hell. Good luck and safe fishing to all.

07-19-2013, 07:46 AM
Team Daly on Andrea's Toy has got that RFA-Karma thing going for us:
Dales, GDubya, FinReaper Glenn, Henry, Hart Attack and my son Angina :eek:

I can see it now - Freddy: F*** this Rattlesnake BS, we're going to the Canyon :cool:

Should be a great tourney. Good luck to the other teams in your quest for 2nd place :)

07-19-2013, 08:02 AM
Plan on fishing solo out of the tournament. :D

Will still be working my regular numbers like any other day.

Picked this lil fella up yesterday.

Good luck to all my peeps and safe start! That shotgun run out of the inlet has got to go!

07-19-2013, 08:43 AM
Fishpedaller Friday and Sea Soda Saturday. I love alliteration.

07-19-2013, 09:28 AM
Good Luck Guys have fun and be safe.

parker pete sportfishing
07-19-2013, 09:31 AM
watch out boys n girls...we will be out there

07-19-2013, 09:45 AM
Plan on fishing solo out of the tournament. :D

Will still be working my regular numbers like any other day.

Picked this lil fella up yesterday.

Good luck to all my peeps and safe start! That shotgun run out of the inlet has got to go!

Ditto on the shotgun start out of Pt.

07-19-2013, 10:00 AM
Good luck ladies! me & reelron will be on the Longshot with one of my directors of APPD( a souf jersey fluker) but not in the tourney but am hoping our fish beats all of you just for bragging rights!:p

Boston Pete
07-19-2013, 10:54 AM
I'll be on the OOAL with JR, Greg Vongas & Scubby....hoping to make it thru safely this year:p

Good Luck all, hope to see some of you Friday nite...

bunker dunker
07-19-2013, 11:26 AM
I'll Be There With A Good Crew.we Are Gonna Win This One For Lab!!!
Good Luck To All And Be Safe

broken bobber
07-19-2013, 03:57 PM
Good Luck...... to most...... :p

Striper Nick
07-19-2013, 05:23 PM
Team Russian Roulette- including me , my dad ( scuba nut), and a couple of other people

07-19-2013, 05:41 PM
Team Daly on Andrea's Toy has got that RFA-Karma thing going for us:
Dales, GDubya, FinReaper Glenn, Henry, Hart Attack and my son Angina :eek:

I can see it now - Freddy: F*** this Rattlesnake BS, we're going to the Canyon :cool:

Should be a great tourney. Good luck to the other teams in your quest for 2nd place :)

I love the attitude here!!! :D You're settling for second place you say?!?!?! Psst Freddy, I got a few for ya to take them waaaayyyy south...sssshhhh , our secret! LMAO

07-19-2013, 06:10 PM
I love the attitude here!!! :D You're settling for second place you say?!?!?! Psst Freddy, I got a few for ya to take them waaaayyyy south...sssshhhh , our secret! LMAO

Hey Mike,
A fellow angler for Shark tourneys and TUNA man you are but here its Fluke competition. Larry is so pumped up he may have a "HartAttack" . He already got bait for next week and may swim out to us.:eek: Think he said everyone else was in the running for second:p

You can duke Freddy all you want to run waaay south but guess what AT has the speed to go south, north east west and we will be at the weigh station before you lose your fifth rig which should be by 6 AM. Good thing you make your own:D

Really looking forward to this and best of luck to all.

07-19-2013, 06:16 PM
Fishpedaller Friday and Sea Soda Saturday. I love alliteration.

Nice work with heroes on the water as usual Jon.
"Alliteration" on a fishing site, really? Sure its been googled:D
Good luck in the yak division, not so much on the boat :p

Reel Class
07-19-2013, 06:21 PM
Team Reel Class is in:

Flukemaster Larry

You notice who's missing?

I got my niece's 2nd birthday party to attend :)

07-19-2013, 10:25 PM
Hey Mike,
A fellow angler for Shark tourneys and TUNA man you are but here its Fluke competition. Larry is so pumped up he may have a "HartAttack" . He already got bait for next week and may swim out to us.:eek: Think he said everyone else was in the running for second:p

You can duke Freddy all you want to run waaay south but guess what AT has the speed to go south, north east west and we will be at the weigh station before you lose your fifth rig which should be by 6 AM. Good thing you make your own:D

Really looking forward to this and best of luck to all.

Dave, OK got it...game on for the fluke and we're back to chums for the offshore excursion for the tuna game. Ahh Larry.....he can be hyped, no more than me and my bud the "Fluke Slayer". I'll buy ya plenty of beer for the tuna trip with my share of winner's check....dooooop!....I'll be breaking out some new and improved bucktails and we will also be presenting some sweet bait already procured.....You're right AT is lightning fast...I'm glad you are as optimistic to be weighing in at 6AM, we'll pace ourselves and be glad to weigh in at the end of the day...JUST when all think it's safe and secured!!!!!:eek: :D BTW, hope you are at the ELks afterwards to catch up//

07-19-2013, 10:28 PM
Anyone have a open Spot? I think I might be an asset to someone's team...


07-19-2013, 10:34 PM
Team Reel Class is in:

Flukemaster Larry

You notice who's missing?

I got my niece's 2nd birthday party to attend :)

Looks like 50% of our JCAA crew pitted against 50% of the rest of the crew.....combined talent looks outstanding;) :D

Reel Class
07-20-2013, 05:34 AM
I left Tommy out too Mike. Yeah plenty of talent but they gotta make it happen in that small window. Kenny got the big one so far this year which was 8# on the button so who knows??

07-20-2013, 06:23 AM
We have the other 50% in our crew with Scotty, Kenny and myself so it's going to be interesting....catch em up and be safe!

07-20-2013, 08:18 AM
"Jerry's Kids" have no chance, they broke their team karma by allowing part of Team Baccala on the boat last year to show them how its done. You know how it goes, you can lead the horse to the water but you can't teach him to drink!.... Be safe in that dumb ass shot gun start...and have fun. Good luck to all.

07-20-2013, 11:01 AM
Good luck ladies! me & reelron will be on the Longshot with one of my directors of APPD( a souf jersey fluker) but not in the tourney but am hoping our fish beats all of you just for bragging rights!:p

Was gonna say like Joey says, Good Luck to all. but will stick with what Bobber said, good luck to most!

07-20-2013, 03:20 PM
Was gonna say like Joey says, Good Luck to all. but will stick with what Bobber said, good luck to most!

Gotta say it since it's the second time ( and 10 email's asking why )... so we're a board/community/fraternity of fishermen and this is necessary? Why?:confused:

07-20-2013, 03:43 PM
I would like to join in. No one has spots left?


07-20-2013, 04:22 PM
I would like to join in. No one has spots left?


Hope you find a spot, you would be a huge asset to any team. This Elks tourney usually fills up quick as most fish it every year. Did you see Jon's offer for Kayak fishing Friday? Either way great job on your recent catches and your reports are great, always read them!!

Hope to see you out there and if I had a spot I would gladly give it to you. keep up the good work.

Rob B
07-20-2013, 04:23 PM
still up in the air. If the weather is real nice offshore were headed to the canyon. If not so nice offshore were heading to the elks. good luck all.

07-21-2013, 08:49 AM
Ill be in the tournament in my new ride not making any claims on where we will place or about my allstar crew but I feel I have a solid crew of pullers. One fish tournament has a lot off luck involved to get that one right fish on that day. With way fluking has been hot one day slow the next who knows.

I agree that we should all stand together at captains meeting and put stop to inlet shotgun start before something horrible happens. They should have lineup within 1mile of bouy outside inlet. Staging in inlet is crazy

broken bobber
07-21-2013, 07:19 PM
I agree that we should all stand together at captains meeting and put stop to inlet shotgun start before something horrible happens. They should have lineup within 1mile of bouy outside inlet. Staging in inlet is crazy

Agreed.... I think they should just do as the rest and say no lines in the water till 6am, people are gonna cheat if they want to cheat with amount of money involved, not much you can do to prevent it........

if not lay back and let all the hot shot go fast heros do their thing... they're gonna get to the sea girt, the rox, shark river reef, or mud or fisherman or ambrose before any of ya's any.... no secrets anymore, its a matter of luck and picking the right area that day....

07-21-2013, 08:37 PM
Ill be in the tournament in my new ride not making any claims on where we will place or about my allstar crew but I feel I have a solid crew of pullers. One fish tournament has a lot off luck involved to get that one right fish on that day. With way fluking has been hot one day slow the next who knows.

I agree that we should all stand together at captains meeting and put stop to inlet shotgun start before something horrible happens. They should have lineup within 1mile of bouy outside inlet. Staging in inlet is crazy

Dennis, thanks for vocalizing (if a word) what many are afraid to say, this is like the shark tourneys that fortunately involve bigger boats but nonetheless, this is unsafe and someday will result in a situation that will be regretted. What's the new boat look like? Bigger? Still in Belmar area?

07-21-2013, 09:19 PM

Good luck with the new ride. Hope to see you in the winners circle.

07-22-2013, 09:23 AM
My new ride is a 27 Oceanmaster. I am still in Belmar.

I will be at the 7pm captains meeting and to anyone who wants to voice there opinion with me I plan on standing up at the first captains meeting and proposing them change the rule to staging outside of the inlet after check in It is particularly a pain for boats coming from belmar etc to have to weave through growing crowd to check in. They need to change the format. They need to be more concerned about safety of the crews involved then the photo op of all the boats blasting out of the inlet. Want photo ops get pictures of boats coming in to weigh station or during check in in morning. Just check in and then stage outside inlet within reasonable say mile from inlet distance. I actually prefer the no lines in till 6am rule, but if we can at least get them to change the inlet motocross hole shot it will be a battle won and an improvement. I just fear that sooner or later either a tournament participant or another non participant boater is going to get injuried by this and even if it isnt a boating accident involving two boats or rocks it could simply be someone getting thrown overboard or to deck hard from unexpected whip from wakes.

I hope some of you will stand with me @ the 7pm meeting I will make the initial statement and I just need a big backing and hopefully they will make the change right then and there.

07-22-2013, 09:37 AM
I'll see if our rep will be there for that meeting so we can also voice our concerns.

07-23-2013, 04:12 PM
I'll see if our rep will be there for that meeting so we can also voice our concerns.

I will not be their this year. but if any of you know someone, from the CG maybe they could voice an opinion.
Good Luck Everyone be safe.

07-24-2013, 07:56 PM
First I agree with changing the Inlet Start for safety and boats coming from other ports. Hope they listen.

We have some real pullers on our team and a Top Notch Sponsor boat in Capt Freddy's Andreas Toy BUT we also have our own Team T Shirt maker in NJ Fishing Member Jakesdad / Henry Landau.

So when you have a T shirt Guy you need a Team Name right.

To increase our "pullers" odds and the rest of the team I unveil to you:
TEAM BLIND SQUIRREL and our shirts for the tourney.

Good Luck everyone but "tough" to beat a BS (Blind Squirrel):D

07-24-2013, 09:59 PM
I am likeing the team name and logo. Best of luck to you guys. BEing you are fishing with Capt Fred one thing is for sure that a blind squirell will find some nuts and you are guaranteed a good time. If your pullers are off their game Capt Fred will be relentless with the ball busting.

07-25-2013, 07:31 AM
First I agree with changing the Inlet Start for safety and boats coming from other ports. Hope they listen.

We have some real pullers on our team and a Top Notch Sponsor boat in Capt Freddy's Andreas Toy BUT we also have our own Team T Shirt maker in NJ Fishing Member Jakesdad / Henry Landau.

So when you have a T shirt Guy you need a Team Name right.

To increase our "pullers" odds and the rest of the team I unveil to you:
TEAM BLIND SQUIRREL and our shirts for the tourney.

Good Luck everyone but "tough" to beat a BS (Blind Squirrel):D

Dave, I really like it....I wish you lot's of luck, you know that (Offshore plans?). Let's hope you find that nut...I mean peanut:rolleyes: , while we locate the Walnut!! Doooop...:D

07-25-2013, 08:27 AM
It's a good thing that the Team Blind Squirrel T-shirt did not use the logo in the first pic below :eek: - although we WILL be sporting some BIG NUTS at the end of the day.

The second pic is now "official".

The third pic is that of the hood ornament I'll be installing on my ride. See y'all at the Captain's meeting :)

07-25-2013, 08:33 AM
Great shirt!!!

07-25-2013, 09:00 AM
It's a good thing that the Team Blind Squirrel T-shirt did not use the logo in the first pic below :eek: - although we WILL be sporting some BIG NUTS at the end of the day.

The second pic is now "official".

The third pic is that of the hood ornament I'll be installing on my ride. See y'all at the Captain's meeting :)

Yeah Larry, but it(the hood ornament)...... looks,..............so,.............small, like the fish you'll catch.:eek: ..........You could probably have that done relatively inexpensive though...W/O the winner's check!!! :D LOL

07-25-2013, 11:53 AM
I will be there to make my annual donation. Dmac, I will gladly stand and support you in changing the inlet staging shotgun clusterfluke.

07-25-2013, 07:59 PM
Dave, I really like it....I wish you lot's of luck, you know that (Offshore plans?). Let's hope you find that nut...I mean peanut:rolleyes: , while we locate the Walnut!! Doooop...:D

Thanks Mike, Offshore discussion right now is an overnighter on Jenny Lee Sept 10/11 - 11/12 with either allowing for a weather window so if that works we have to keep both sets of dates open till last minute.
See you somewhere SAT

07-26-2013, 05:03 AM
Thanks Mike, Offshore discussion right now is an overnighter on Jenny Lee Sept 10/11 - 11/12 with either allowing for a weather window so if that works we have to keep both sets of dates open till last minute.
See you somewhere SAT

Sounds good Dave....we can talk further at Elks ,,..............you know where you can find me tomorrow....the guy with the big fish and the big check!!!;)

07-27-2013, 07:09 PM
Where is the reports:eek:

07-29-2013, 02:21 PM
I approached the tournament director about the starting line up and he told me if you have issue with it wait until 630 to leave.

I am going to start a petition and need people who fished the tournament to actually get involved and sign it. I need to get at least 25-50% of the boats from this years tournament to sign petition saying that if it doesn't change we will not fish the tournament. Me approaching him at the captains meeting will not make a change if they realize that up to 50% of the boats will drop out for one year due to this rule they might make change. If someone is good with online petitions etc or we can set it up here if I get the ok from the mods. This is not about anything more than safety for crews involved in tournaments and for safety of other that have to navigate that waterway during line up time. Personally I feel the tournament directors should decide you can check out of any inlet (belmar, mana, or BI) starting at say 5am-6am

Also it was beautiful that the coast guard escorted boat out the inlet with less than 5 mins to go time. Coast gaurd should have told the gypsie blood that the dive trip can be delayed 15-20 mins until this empty's. this is exact reason this needs to be stopped. It is not if something bad is going to happen but when.

Oh yeah my report had boat limit by noon holding few fish in livewell and hoping to swap out with the one but never happen. had nice limit smallest fish being around 19-19.5" biggest 5.5lbs

07-29-2013, 02:32 PM
I approached the tournament director about the starting line up and he told me if you have issue with it wait until 630 to leave.

I am going to start a petition and need people who fished the tournament to actually get involved and sign it. I need to get at least 25-50% of the boats from this years tournament to sign petition saying that if it doesn't change we will not fish the tournament. Me approaching him at the captains meeting will not make a change if they realize that up to 50% of the boats will drop out for one year due to this rule they might make change. If someone is good with online petitions etc or we can set it up here if I get the ok from the mods. This is not about anything more than safety for crews involved in tournaments and for safety of other that have to navigate that waterway during line up time. Personally I feel the tournament directors should decide you can check out of any inlet (belmar, mana, or BI) starting at say 5am-6am

Also it was beautiful that the coast guard escorted boat out the inlet with less than 5 mins to go time. Coast gaurd should have told the gypsie blood that the dive trip can be delayed 15-20 mins until this empty's. this is exact reason this needs to be stopped. It is not if something bad is going to happen but when.

Oh yeah my report had boat limit by noon holding few fish in livewell and hoping to swap out with the one but never happen. had nice limit smallest fish being around 19-19.5" biggest 5.5lbs

I will agree, they should get rid of that shit all together.. they should have boat numbers like all of the big tournaments and let everyone leave their inlet at 6am but not fishing until 7 or something like that and call lines in.. no reason at all for that shit just like mako mania and mako fever, problem is, to many people trying to beat the system. lol