View Full Version : 7/17

07-18-2013, 01:57 PM
Before I start, first post on this site... Recognize a few names already. I'm from Staten Island, and fish out of a NSB usually. Or Raritan bay surf.

Anyways, I've been down multiple times this year with just a few shorts to show for it. Been tough as hell. Been working my ass off with my bucktails and it's tiring to come back home with nothing. Well I went down yesterday, and nailed em good. Caught my limit, including a 3 and 5 lber. The 5 lber is the biggest one I've caught for a number of years, and my 2nd biggest fluke. Was beautiful out there. Best day this year by far.

Nuke chicken and glow was the ticket.


07-18-2013, 02:02 PM
welcome aboard! you might want to edit your post to take the name of the boat you were on out, & just put NSB (Non Sponsor Boat), My main man TimmyTats was out on that same boat yesterday with you & said it was great catching! Welcome aboard & where in SI are ou my girls family are frm up there

07-18-2013, 02:07 PM
Do you know where Timmy fished? Have a feeling I think I know who he is. Does he fish Rons Fishermen often?

I live in New Dorp Heights in Staten Island, which basically would be the imaginal border between New Dorp and Oakwood.

07-18-2013, 02:08 PM
Thanks For the report ... I've been having a slow catching time myself but you got me psyched to get back out in the next week :D

07-18-2013, 02:15 PM
Nice catch .. Great Job ....saw you on his facebook posts yesterday .... I fished same boat last sunday ..great captain ... fishing was tuff sunday but i did win $10 pool :D

07-18-2013, 02:21 PM
Nice catch .. Great Job ....saw you on his facebook posts yesterday .... I fished same boat last sunday ..great captain ... fishing was tuff sunday but i did win $10 pool :D

Haha, I was there Sunday too. Was that the super busy day they left at 5:30? Never seen them so full before...

Gerry Zagorski
07-18-2013, 02:40 PM
Welcome 120!! Glad you got into the mix here and thanks for the report.

I've really been stuggling this year as well but your report gives me some hope.

I guess persistance pays off.

07-18-2013, 03:03 PM
Do you know where Timmy fished? Have a feeling I think I know who he is. Does he fish Rons Fishermen often?

I live in New Dorp Heights in Staten Island, which basically would be the imaginal border between New Dorp and Oakwood.

Not sure where he fished i do not know if he fishes with Ron alot.He said drift was perfect for you guys 2oz bucktail on the botom was plenty! DREAM DAY! glad to hear you guys got em though my girls fams right off woodrow after the outerbridge going to give the nuclear chickens a go man that seems to be a hot color!

07-18-2013, 03:38 PM
Haha, I was there Sunday too. Was that the super busy day they left at 5:30? Never seen them so full before...

yeah left early .... was fishing port side 3/4 way up side