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View Full Version : Monday Paramount Marathon

07-15-2013, 07:04 PM
Started off at the boat catching up 2" snappers on my ultralite. Then I fished the live snappers on my 4lb test outfit and had 4 13" fluke with a few bigger pulled off of the #10 sabiki hook. Went out with a decent crowd including a few board members. Fishing was better earlier in the day than later. A decent pick overall with ling mostly being the smaller variety. I wound up with 7 sea bass, a 3lb throwback flounder, and 18 ling. Blackfish Doug had 5 sea bass and 15 ling. The pool fish was a 3 1/2lb sea bass. Lots of sea robins today. Was amazed to see two people fish in their foul weather gear all day. Probably could have had more ling today but Capt Frances wasn't happy with the quality and tried to find some better fish.

07-15-2013, 08:22 PM
What rig were you using today. Hook size leader legth etc. Thanks

07-15-2013, 08:46 PM
My lucky rig, Put on last Monday at 1:00pm, still on my rod tonight..*L* Hi-Lo rig, 2/0 baitholders, hand tied maybe 10" leaders of 30lb test, the cheap kind you get in bunches, tied on to 25lb top shot with 30lb braid mainline. Hooks were rusty from spending a week on my rod and slightly bent.:D My fluke rig was a sabiki with #10 hooks and a 2" snapper with 4lb test mainline.

07-15-2013, 08:57 PM
Started off at the boat catching up 2" snappers on my ultralite. Then I fished the live snappers on my 4lb test outfit and had 4 13" fluke with a few bigger pulled off of the #10 sabiki hook.

Nice Tog. 2" snappers are only the beginning and can't wait till they are 4, 6, 8, 12 inches long and snapping at everything ya throw at em!

07-16-2013, 12:07 AM
My friend and I drove down from NY state.. 550 mile round trip.... yikes...
We did pretty well, better than some guys did on sea bass, but not as well as most on ling.. Together we put 13 nice sea bass in the cooler, and lots of close call shorts as well, Got one really big knothead that got beat by a whisker for the pool... I think we took home about 11 ling as well... For a very long while we could not buy a hit from a ling in the stern while our neighbors were catching ling after ling... We simply weren't getting bit hardly at all, and when we did it was invariably a pout.... Then at days end we caught several nice keeper sea bass and some pretty close shorts when nobody else was catching a thing.. So odd,, Guy next to me is bailing ling left and right using just clams for an hour.. Then all of sudden, he stops getting bit completely, and my friend and I just a foot from him starting catching sea bass after sea bass, shorts and about 4 keepers in the last half hour of fishing.. It was nice talking to Tautog on the boat.. Inside the cabin was stifling, much better outside!, .. It was a nice day when the boat was moving, but man was it HOT when we stopped!.. The car was screaming hot when we got to it after the trip.. Looked at the cars digital thermometer driving up rt 35, at 5:30.. 97 degrees!,,, Not used to those temps any more.. Very rarely gets above 90 in central NY state..
We enjoyed the day, caught some nice fish as well... Nice to see a decent showing of sea bass.. Not a slaughter by any means, but a decent pick if you worked at it... Some guys jumped a big Thresher shark at one point.. I think they were throwing cut clams at it or something.. The splash was about the same size one school bus would make if thrown in... bob

07-16-2013, 06:12 PM
Nice meeting you too Bob.