View Full Version : Big Jamaica 7-14 Report

07-14-2013, 09:36 PM
7-14 Report
We headed to the area where they caught the blues good last night. We read fish and started to catch some on bait after drifting a short while. We had 2 to 4 on at a time on several occasions but they would not take hold.

The pool winner was:
Matt Bajek from Denville NJ with a 13LB bluefish.

We made several moves during the day and caught a few everywhere we went, but, could not get a good bite going. The good news is, there were bluefish seen in a number of areas today so, it is looking better.
The Jamaica is scheduled to sail for bluefish every day at 7:30AM and every night at 7:30PM.
For further information go to www.bigjamaica.com or call 732-528--5014