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View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Plan B today with nice fish.

07-12-2013, 04:44 PM
Had to go to plan B today as the current on the first 2 drops, was unbelievable!!
Fished a new area and found a very nice morning bite without a two and a half knot drift. Several fish from 2 to 4 pounds with the pool fish going to "you guest it" Vinnie, once again!! 4 out of the last 5 trips and the ruboffs to make it even better!:D
Vin landed the big one at 6 pounds first thing in the AM. He also had a fish that most likely would have made 8 pounds but lost it at the net at the last minute.

Couple guys just missed their limit with 4. Tough conditions but we managed to salvage the day.

Chartered Saturday (tomorrow) in the AM..........

Next week is our busy week with Charters, we are booked Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Mornings.


07-12-2013, 05:07 PM
Another pool? Wow, he really needs to thank the guys on the Angler for teaching him how to fish.

07-12-2013, 05:26 PM
Another pool? Wow, he really needs to thank the guys on the Angler for teaching him how to fish.
Sorry but that is not the boat I fish regular,I just brought school to the angler for a day;) now don't get me wrong there are some real reg sharpies on it and I can hang with the best of them,so I hate to say but you are WRONG:o

07-12-2013, 05:51 PM
Another pool? Wow, he really needs to thank the guys on the Angler for teaching him how to fish.
So not True! Vin has been a reg with me for years now. If only "THOSE" guys fished with me!:D

07-12-2013, 05:59 PM
well hit the fishermen solo once again,glad i did and didnt let the weather man FOOL ME,conditions were a little tough for the crowd,so PLAN B was the call,and what a call it was got to see a humpback whale along with some nice fishing,nuke chicken was my ticket as i grabbed a nice bottom jig flatty that held up for ANOTHER POOL;) i would of added a little more icing to the BIG POOL if this slob didnt spit the hook after letting me see him for a good 15 seconds:( anyway thanx capt and THE CREW for another good day of fishing...

07-12-2013, 06:01 PM
So not True! Vin has been a reg with me for years now. If only "THOSE" guys fished with me!:D

07-12-2013, 07:46 PM
You 'da man Vinn. Coincidence - nah, skills - yep :eek:

anchor joe
07-13-2013, 07:37 AM
Vinntastic you should be in the pool business, every back yard would look great. Congrats!!!!!:D:D:D:D

07-13-2013, 07:47 AM
That is my boy - The Triple threat BBB- Beautiful - Bald - Bastard - :D

That's my ringer

I am rubbing you for luck next time - wait a second I better not I can kill anything - just ask the wife - :D

Congrats - the Karma Kid cant be touched this year

Captain Ron and Vintastic - like Peanut butter and Jelly

Way to go Guys
