View Full Version : INSUFISHENT FUNDS Shark Season Video with Shark Cam.......

07-11-2013, 03:51 PM
Guys here is our footage from the three sharks tournaments this year, we usually fish 5 of them but kids and Shark Week got in the way this year. we built a new shark fin cam which is pretty sweet to watch a shark swim back down the slick after he's released. In total we released 53 sharks and kept 2 for the table. at 4:45 on day two of mako mania/jersey coast we hooked up with a screamer that we thought was the right fish, but we knew we only had thirty minutes to land him to get us back to the scales in time. After 28 minutes we confirmed our fears that it was a 303lb Thresher. Once again the combo of Talica 50 and JPR Super Seeker rods was an incredible combo and man handled the fish..... On a side note one of our camera case got knocked out of the boat on the ride in while messing around, we turned around picked it up and all of the camera gear inside was perfect and dry.......Thanks Pelican Case


07-11-2013, 05:13 PM
you guys make some sick videos. im trying to edit a couple from my go pro. any tips?

07-11-2013, 06:23 PM
Great Vid Guys! Keep'em Coming!:d

07-11-2013, 07:18 PM
Very nice