View Full Version : PM Trip 7/9 - Royal Miss Belmar

07-09-2013, 11:25 PM
I waited for seven years for my grand daughter to get old enough to join me on the saltwater. She already can trout fish. So I brought her along for a half day fluke trip.
She was quite the sport. She caught sea robins, a skate, two ling cod, two sea bass and two undersize fluke. The seas were a little rough but it didn't bother her. Thank God.
Found out it's not easy fishing with children. Their attention span isn't quite all about fishing. Petting other peoples fish, releasing fish, feeding the gulls and terns, playing with the bait, tieing their own sneakers twenty times and asking a million questions. I now have a deep pity for the parents who don't know how to fish.
I say Caitlyn was a solid 9 her first time out with grandpa.
Oh, She left me alone long enough to catch the 4.5 lb. pool fish.
Thank you Frank the Mate for your time with her teaching and showing her all the different types of fish. And helping her to fish. She's all cranked up for another trip.

Gerry Zagorski
07-10-2013, 07:12 AM
Awesome Cuz!! Great to see she has an interest in fishing...I'm sure winning the pool helped that cause.

The Sinker Man
07-10-2013, 07:51 AM
Glad you had a good day..Your story brought back many memories of my kids and now the grandkids..Pretty soon she will be outfishing you.:D

07-10-2013, 07:52 AM
Good for you, Cuz. My happiest moments on the water are with my grandkids. It used to be with their parents when they were the same age. Now my grandkids are older and help me with my computer shortcomings on the GPS, etc., and they are still anxious to go( and bring a friend that they can teach about their fishing abilities) Wait till she catches the pool fish, you'll be walking around like you have Marlin Fever.............lol. Catch ém up, Papa

07-10-2013, 09:31 AM
Love It ! ! !

07-10-2013, 10:03 AM
"She's all cranked up for another trip."

That's cool!